soflyy / oxygen-bugs-and-features

Bug Reports & Feature Requests for Oxygen
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Split Testing #691

Open thesounak opened 4 years ago

thesounak commented 4 years ago

This option I believe is a must for Digital marketers for me. Much like Thrive Architect has. It'll completely revolutionize this builder as it is already bloat-free and the addition of it will completely change the landscape.

steve-goldberg commented 4 years ago

This would be a great feature.

I think Oxygen should build an API integration with Google Optimize to allow split test variations to be created directly inside of oxygen builder interface.

A user could click any element dropdown inside the structure panel and select "Test This Element" which would duplicate that element. Then they make their changes to that element. They could see variations of that element by clicking it in the structure panel and selecting the different variations.