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Selector Panel Improvements. #740

Open perrelet opened 4 years ago

perrelet commented 4 years ago

I really feel its time the selector panel got some much needed love...

I've listed 6 simple improvements to get started. I have no doubt there are other tweaks to the selector panel that would make a big difference to our workflows.

Community - What selector features do you find lacking?

Describe the feature you'd like to see included in Oxygen.

Improvements to the selector panel / classes functionality. Ability to:

3) Copy a Class. 5) Bulk move selectors.

1) Move styles from an ID to a Class. (Done) 2) Rename a Class. See #210 4) Move a Class to folder (within selector panel). See #55 6) Delete all styles from the root state of element (ID). (Not technically a selector panel thing, but certainly related to the shortcomings in workflow with regards to handling classes / IDs) (Done)

What are the use cases for this feature?

1) This is huge. How often do you create an element only to realize later that the element would make a great class? Right now, you have to manually copy the styles over to the class and remove them from the id...

2) Typos happen.

3) Generally useful.

4) I get you can do this by selecting a selector and using the drop-down menu, however it would be much more intuitive to have a hand-burger menu on each selector (like the structure panel), with an option "move to folder".

5) Multi-selecting of selectors and assigning them to a folder / style-set in one go. Yes please. (I understand this one is probably the most complex to implement - if so prioritize the others...)

6) Whilst its possible to do this for other states / media queries, there's no option to remove the root styling of an element. There's many cases where this would be handy.

perrelet commented 4 years ago

7. Lock a selector / class / style-set. See #1671 (Like photoshop layers)

How often do you find yourself adding styles to a single element, only to realise a few moments later that you were editing the wrong selector and totally mashed up a core class a result?

swinggraphics commented 4 years ago

This whole thing is weird and buggy.

  1. Move a Class to folder (within selector panel).
  2. I get you can do this by selecting a selector and using the drop-down menu, however it would be much more intuitive to have a hand-burger menu on each selector (like the structure panel), with an option "move to folder".

Sort of… You can move a selector to a different Style Set, and you can move a Style Set to another Folder… 🙄