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Pull changes made in Gutenberg back into Oxygen #798

Open sunnyt7 opened 4 years ago

sunnyt7 commented 4 years ago

This might be a long-shot, but I'd really like to be able to pull changes made in the Gutenberg editor back into Oxygen.

Even though the concept of the Gutenberg integration is awesome, I find I'm resisting actually using it with clients. There's just something unsettling with having 2 versions of a page.

I think it's that you lose the holistic view of the page when editing it. When in Oxygen, you no longer have a feel for the flow of the copywriting. It's separating the design from the copy.

I get that this is probably preferred for pages that follow a particular template, but it's not as ideal for custom one-off pages or landing pages in particular, where design + copy are closely integrated.

I'd be totally cool with keeping the default functionality, but I think it'd be super handy if there was a button/option to update Oxygen with what's been changed in Gutenberg.

In fact, based on the feedback in the FB group, I think it's a small change that would result in a significant increase in usage of the integration.

P.S. Live Editor Pro ( does provide similar functionality - but there are of course some downsides like it being a separate subscription and not being native to Oxygen (thus not guaranteeing stability). It's also done in the front-end and not through Gutenberg, which isn't a pro or con, but might fit different use-cases.

EDIT: Also, it's probably obvious, but this would only apply for full pages being edited in Gutenberg. Not single blocks.

zbyneksmetana commented 3 years ago

I posted few messages on that on the Facebook page when the Gutenberg extension was out. Since I realise this, I NEVER used the Gutenberg extension anymore : too dangerous and impossible to adapt the layout based on the actual content... because we cannot see it and it's so easy to wipe everything.

I had a +1 here (but for me it's less important to fix that rather than the duplicate ID thingy).

Sorry for language mistakes. At this time for me best option for clients is remove "Gutenberg extension" and force clients to use regular Oxygen with restriction by "client controll" (remove some oxygen widgets and remove classes!!! ... necessity ). Additional feature for my is to block by "client controll" functionallity" "reusable/single" option (look at image below) image

LauGau commented 3 years ago

+1 I tried Gutenberg addon once at the beginning... And never used it after : too dangerous as it's too easy to wipe out everything.

pixluser commented 3 years ago


avocadesign commented 3 years ago


max-got commented 3 years ago

+1 +1 +1

Would be awesome if someone from the Oxygen team would give us a hint if/when this will be a part of Oxygen!

KonradDRAST commented 3 years ago

+1 but it doesnt stops there. Whole Gutenberg integration is so "just for show". For example, I just received confirmation from Oxy team that you can't use any staging / non-public development environments because then blocks in GB don't have access to CSS and therefore you don't have a layout. As for extra paid extension, this one is far from being worth it :(

lefty55104 commented 3 years ago

This is such an unbelievably important part of the feature that I'm surprised this functionality was considered ready without it. Absolutely integral to being able to use the edit in Gutenberg feature is the ability to pull those changes into the Oxygen builder when needed.

johodesign commented 3 years ago


Josh-PCD commented 3 years ago

In the same boat as many here. Purchased the Gutenberg integration thinking it would be perfect for client hand-offs... then running into this issue.

This "integration" is completely unusable without pulling the changes back into the editor.

VinceBalk commented 3 years ago

+1 for this feature.

Warren-WordPress commented 2 years ago

Guys and gals I totally agreed that this would be great but after thinking about it some more it seems a security consideration prevents the changes getting pushed from Gutenberg to Oxygen builder. It prevents the client from writing or pasting in some malicious php via Gutenberg that would then be saved in the Oxygen builder. Probably the Oxygen team realizes this and that's why we're not getting this feature with Oxygen's Gutenberg integration. I still think it could be useful if I make components with place holders especially for text (think Lorem ipsum) and let the client replace the text to fit their specific need via the Gutenberg editor. More specific functionality is built into the Oxygen template for the page, and managed by me for the client. I personally believe we should give access to Oxygen to the client ONLY if absolutely need be and if they know how bad they could really mess up their site if the wrong person starts poking around with it. I still find the integration can be useful for me with most clients and hopefully this comment will help some of you.

stan333 commented 2 years ago


We may wonder what is this addon stand for then?? I don't think it would really mess up the website as long as it only adds the ability to edit the text without changing the structure built in oxygen (as long as restrict the ability to add gutenberg block to avoid any conflict).

joffreypersia commented 2 years ago


kieron commented 1 year ago


rytly commented 1 year ago


alFrame commented 1 year ago

That change would make this actually usable. I stopped using it because the hassle to track client changes to change something in Oxygen.

so yeah ++100

Alain-Y commented 8 months ago

+1 Yes, it's very important. Please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป