soft-matter / trackpy-examples

sample images, examples, and speed tests for trackpy
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Make prediction figures with trackpy.plot_traj() and better colors #16

Closed nkeim closed 9 years ago

nkeim commented 9 years ago


We now set point style by frame, instead of particle ID. This also makes use of 'trackpy.plot_traj()', which seems like good practice. The plots still aren't perfect, but they are less confusing.

tacaswell commented 9 years ago

Sigh, I really wish gh would play nice with notebooks.

nkeim commented 9 years ago

I think I mentioned to @danielballan awhile back that IPython can automatically save a .py file, containing all Markdown and code, alongside the notebook files. Obviously this helps greatly with comparing versions. My own setup does this, but I don't track the .py files. Should I start? Would we want to make that an (un)official policy?

Along the same lines, we could write a commit hook that nbconverts the notebooks into a more diff-able format. Not really sure how practical that is.

Of course, it's possible that gh support for the notebook format is right around the corner.

tacaswell commented 9 years ago

I don't think it is worth changing your workflow, I am just whining.

danielballan commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I think we should keep doing what we're doing. This workflow has its rough edges, sure, but keeping the full notebook under version control at least makes it possible for others to view the notebook without running it locally.

danielballan commented 9 years ago

...but we should all (myself included) keep the habit of including links until gh starts diong it for us: