soft-matter / trackpy-examples

sample images, examples, and speed tests for trackpy
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After mpl 1.5.0 is out, revisit plot usage. #36

Open danielballan opened 8 years ago

danielballan commented 8 years ago

We should avoid DataFrame.plot(), which is changing in new versions of pandas and often had some weird interactions anyway. And as long as we are revisiting the usage, we should use the nice labeled data API in matplotlib.

plt.plot(d)  # automatically plots Series against its index
plt.plot('mass', 'size', data=f)  # plots f['mass'] vs. f['size']
plt.plot('mass', 'size', 'ecc', data=f)  # plots f['mass'] vs. f['size'] coloring by 'ecc' (cool!)

This has to wait until 1.5.0 is available on conda, but we could always go back after v0.3.0 is released to revise and rebuild the 0.3.0 docs.

danielballan commented 8 years ago

1.5.0 is on conda. @tacaswell do you have time to clean up our plotting usage in the walkthrough?