soft-matter / trackpy

Python particle tracking toolkit
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how to connect trackpy-examples with trackpy, what is the hierarchy ? #670

Closed besbesmany closed 3 years ago

besbesmany commented 3 years ago

I put my custom dataset in folder trackpy-examples\sample_data

\notebooks\walkthrough.ipynb is not working

how to connect trackpy-examples folder with trackpy folder

what is the hierarchy of folders of the 2 githubs

b-grimaud commented 3 years ago

Did you change anything in the notebook after transferring the files ? If so, please show an example of your code.

Notebooks are meant to teach you how to use TrackPy, it's probably better for you to write code specific to your needs rather than reuse something else.

besbesmany commented 3 years ago

I will fix jupyter lab connection then check again trackpy code thank you