soft-matter / trackpy

Python particle tracking toolkit
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how to give trackpy location of features in text file #674

Open besbesmany opened 2 years ago

besbesmany commented 2 years ago

I have text file for image like this

194,665,422,722,bus 505,677,590,712,car 511,627,600,664,car 999,455,1044,535,car 575,437,785,498,bus 843,272,906,388,minibus 1093,343,1150,424,car 789,551,867,585,car 679,412,800,491,minibus 470,628,553,664,car 1663,688,1735,723,car 975,60,1014,138,car 982,1,1023,36,car 926,1,960,28,car

how to locate these features in frames f = tp.locate(frames[0], 151, invert=True)

caspervdw commented 2 years ago

This question is too broad for me to answer. Can you elaborate? And is this really about trackpy or more about general IO in python/pandas?