soft-matter / trackpy

Python particle tracking toolkit
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strange axis labels when plotting with physical units #678

Open rodrigo-j-goncalves opened 2 years ago

rodrigo-j-goncalves commented 2 years ago

According to the documentation, I can use the mpp (microns per pixel) argument in plot_traj to show physical units in the axis labels, right? But when I pass my calibration (in my case, 2.07) as mpp I get a strange label as 'xb5m' Below are the plots produced by plot_traj using pixels (mpp=none) and microns (mpp=2.07):



nkeim commented 2 years ago

That is supposed to be a mu character! What version of matplotlib are you using?

rodrigo-j-goncalves commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'm using matplotlib: 3.4.2 image

In case it's relevant, this is in Spyder 5.0.5 Python 3.7.11 64-bit | Qt 5.9.6 | PyQt5 5.9.2 | Linux 5.4.0-81-generic

But I get exactly the same result if I run the walkthrough notebook: image