softbankrobotics-research / qibullet

Bullet simulation for SoftBank Robotics robots
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pybullet.error: cannot import name PoseStampedWithSpeed #20

Closed QAbot-zh closed 4 years ago

QAbot-zh commented 4 years ago

when I run the script "examples/", I got the error info: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 22, in <module> wrap = PepperRosWrapper() File "/home/zxy/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/qibullet/", line 50, in __init__ raise pybullet.error(MISSING_IMPORT) pybullet.error: cannot import name PoseStampedWithSpeed So I'd like to know if it's caused by a problem with the naoqi_bridge_msgs version. Actually I check the source code from "" ,I really cannot find the PoseStampedWithSpeed. Can you tell me how to fix it ???

mcaniot commented 4 years ago

Indeed, it's a custom message create by our team. You can fix it by using our forks of the ros packages : naoqi_bridge_msgs and naoqi_driver.

QAbot-zh commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I have downloaded the new packages:naoqi_bridge_msgs and naoqi_driver and compiled them in my ros workspace. Now there's another problem, that is , there exists PoseStampedWithSpeed.msg in the package, but it seem to need the file like so that the program can import. SO now I still cannot import name PoseStampedWithSpeed . Could you illustrate how to generate the python version package? [like in my PC folder : /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/naoqi_bridge_msgs, they are .py file , not the .msg file]

QAbot-zh commented 4 years ago

I seem to know. I'll take a try with genpy to convert the .msg file.

mcaniot commented 4 years ago

I advise that you remove build and devel in your ros workspace, uninstall ros-kinetic-naoqi-driver and ros-kinetic-naoqi-bridge-msgs (with apt purge if these packages are installed), afterwards you can recompiled your workspace.

mbusy commented 4 years ago

Hi, you should follow the qiBullet wiki, and especially its ROS Interface section.

As @mcaniot mentioned, you should start from a clean workspace, remove your build and test folders, clone the latest versions of our forks of naoqi_driver and naoqi_bridge_msgs, and compile your workspace.

Remember to source your workspace (source devel/setup.bash) before launching _examples/, otherwise it won't work.

Warning: be sure to download the latest version of qiBullet (1.2.1), in order to match the latest version of the naoqi_driver repo.

Let us know how it went!

QAbot-zh commented 4 years ago

yeah, @mcaniot his solution is ok, my problem had been solved!

georgiablanco commented 4 years ago

Hi I was having the same problem and have done the above and am now getting this error:

[ERROR] [1585572479.266592700]: Client [/pepper_ros] wants topic /move_base_simple/goal to have datatype/md5sum [naoqi_bridge_msgs/PoseStampedWithSpeed/4537c62015e1c2c00d1b2d28bff9f077], but our version has [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped/d3812c3cbc69362b77dc0b19b345f8f5]. Dropping connection.

mbusy commented 4 years ago

Hi, this issue is a bit old, the qiBullet ROS wrapper now handles the ros-naoqi (official) naoqi-driver, and the softbankrobotics-research fork. A few questions:

georgiablanco commented 4 years ago

Hi, you should follow the qiBullet wiki, and especially its ROS Interface section.

As @mcaniot mentioned, you should start from a clean workspace, remove your build and test folders, clone the latest versions of our forks of naoqi_driver and naoqi_bridge_msgs, and compile your workspace.

Remember to source your workspace (source devel/setup.bash) before launching _examples/, otherwise it won't work.

Warning: be sure to download the latest version of qiBullet (1.2.1), in order to match the latest version of the naoqi_driver repo.

Let us know how it went!

I cloned from the repos linked on this reply and qiBullet version 1.4.0

georgiablanco commented 4 years ago

I'm using thi launch file which launches the simulation and rviz


which worked fine before when I had installed from source but I had the error: cannot import name PoseStampedWithSpeed hence why I decided to remove these and attempt to clone instead

mbusy commented 4 years ago

Alright, your version of qiBullet should be able to handle the official and the forked versions of the driver.

The PoseStampedWithSpeed message is defined in the forked naoqi_bridge_msgs repository. It seems that your simulation expects PoseStampedWithSpeed message (the qiBullet ROS wrapper detects a forked version of the driver), but receives a PoseStamped one, resulting in that crash.

Do you have publishers on /move_base_simple/goal with a PoseStamped type ? Did you at some point install ROS packages for Pepper (or NAO) on your computer with apt-get ? (From what I understand, your pepper ros wrapper is in right ?)

georgiablanco commented 4 years ago

Yes I had initially installed with apt-get and got the error cannot import name PoseStampedWithSpeed so removed these and followed your instructions above.

Yes the pepper ros wrapper is in

would you advise removing the git clones and reinstalling using apt-get?

mbusy commented 4 years ago

Okay I see. The weird thing is that if you installed the ROS packages using apt-get, and used qiBullet 1.4.0, you should have received a warning but not an error (see here). The warning might be confusing though, I'll clarify it in the next version.

would you advise removing the git clones and reinstalling using apt-get?

It depends on what you want to do. The forked version has a better URDF model of the Pepper robot, so if you want to focus on tasks requiring an accurate geometrical model for Pepper, i would advise you to ensure that you indeed removed all of the packages installed with apt-get, clean and recompile the workspace, and use the forked version. (The RViz config should also be removed)

If you don't care about the accuracy of the geometrical model, and you don't want to recompile everything yourself, removing the clones and using apt-get is definitely the right choice.

georgiablanco commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I have removed the clone and used apt-get again and it is now working fine just with the warning you have linked :)

mbusy commented 4 years ago

Great! This warning is a bit confusing, I'll update the message