Closed Joong-Sunny closed 2 years ago
Hello, I use python-fbx sdk. Here's the step to install it:
into the right directory.'ascii'
in FbxCommon::SaveScene
to 'binary'
. The fbx-ascii file format loads and saves slower than the binary format.OMG, I succeed!!!
For posterity, I did follow the same instruction as they explained and double checked, but trying to import, terminal says 'no module named fbxsip'
So, I trying to import by command import fbx.fbxsip and then trying to import, but again, it says 'no module named fbxsip'
I solved this problem by pulled every items out side of the packages I don`t know why python-fbxsdk is not working with packages but working with independent modules
(before solved the problem)
<(conda)site-pakcages> | --numpy | --tqdm | --fbx L | |
(after solved the problem)
<(conda)site-pakcages> | --numpy | --tqdm | | |
hi, are you use windows platform? it seems that I can not download the same python files anymore. if possible do you mind share the .so .py files here? thanks, it seems that they make changes to the exe file in their website.
@innopeak-zhangsihao-yang I did it with Widows. Recently, I moved AI to FE engineer. I'll looking for the computer I used in a week(may take some time..) :)
Trying to convert .pkl files from AIST++, I`m troubling with some classes
I guess it is from imported packages from FbxCommon.
2020 version would be fine? and I wonder if I can know how did you installed fbxsdk Autodesk provides diffrent ways 1) Install fbxsdk and wrapp with python bindings 2) install python-fbxsdk which one did you get? I think it would help my problem