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lrpar lose info about debug #446

Closed liluyue closed 2 months ago

liluyue commented 2 months ago

I execute "cargo run",get info :

  called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: CTConflictsError{0 Reduce/Reduce, 2 Shift/Reduce}

It is too vague,I wish can get below info for I fix the issue:

sequence.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
sequence.y: warning: 2 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
sequence.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token "word" [-Wcounterexamples]
  Example: • "word"
  Shift derivation
    ↳ 2: maybeword
          ↳ 5: • "word"
  Example: • "word"
  Reduce derivation
    ↳ 3: sequence "word"
          ↳ 1: •
ratmice commented 2 months ago

The most user friendly errors that we currently have can be seen by running the nimbleparse tool (unless using a hand-written lexer)... But it has been a bit difficult trying to find the right abstraction boundary to be able to leverage this from within the CTParserBuilder used by cargo. However that still doesn't have a counterexample generator, but should at least show a bit more info about source locations of the conflicts.

liluyue commented 2 months ago

I doubt the reliability of the nimbleparse. I use test the nimbleparse by calc exmaple :

markdown_parser git:(master) ✗ nimbleparse src/calc.l src/calc.y a.txt 
src/calc.y: [Error] Missing ':' at line 3 column 6

but calc actually is not bad:

%start Expr
Expr -> Result<u64, ()>:
      Expr '+' Term { Ok($1? + $3?) }
    | Expr '-' Term { Ok($1? - $3?) }
    | Term { $1 }

so,I hope can find the state table for analysis the problem

ratmice commented 2 months ago

It looks like you need to pass the -y grmtools flag to nimbleparse, in this case to set the yacc format. Because the original format isn't expecting the type -> Result<u64, ()>

liluyue commented 2 months ago

that is valid.Thanks!

ratmice commented 2 months ago

I also notice that the output of nimbleparse in the above error that you quoted doesn't include inline source code. This was added in and contains some more information about conflicts. It seems like that hasn't made it into a release. So perhaps it would be good to try grmtools git (I'm assuming you are currently running a version). Also interested in feedback on the errors that produces.

liluyue commented 2 months ago

Understood, thank you for the reminder

ltratt commented 2 months ago

There's now a new release of grmtools out with this functionality in. Thanks @ratmice!