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Implement a node graph with ID-based configuration and WebSocket/browser-based result handling #36

Open c0rtexR opened 3 days ago

c0rtexR commented 3 days ago

Task: Implement a node graph with ID-based configuration and WebSocket/browser-based result handling

Task Overview:
Develop a node graph structure where each block has a unique ID and configuration setup to handle task execution. Ensure that nodes can pass values and receive results, with real-time updates provided either through WebSockets or directly in the browser for simpler blocks.

SMART Criteria

Specific 🎯:
Create a workflow system where each node is defined by:

Measurable 📏:
Success will be measured by:

Achievable 🚀:
This task is achievable using existing WebSocket and browser APIs for real-time data transfer, along with a node-based configuration model that can be dynamically updated.

Relevant 🎯:
Implementing this node graph with configuration and result handling is crucial for the data-river editor to support complex workflows while maintaining real-time feedback for users.

Time-bound ⏳:
This task should be completed within 2 weeks to allow sufficient time for testing the performance of both WebSocket and browser-based approaches.

Subtasks 📝

Acceptance Criteria ✅

Additional Notes 🗒

c0rtexR commented 3 days ago

example graph

const workflowDefinition = {
  nodes: [
      id: 'node-1',
      type: 'restCall',
      inputKeys: [], 
      outputKeys: ['apiResponse'],
      config: {
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
        headers: {},
      id: 'node-2',
      type: 'processData',
      inputKeys: ['apiResponse'],
      outputKeys: ['processedData'],
      config: {},
      id: 'node-3',
      type: 'optionalRestCall',
      inputKeys: [],
      outputKeys: ['optionalData'],
      onError: 'continue',
      activityOptions: {
        startToCloseTimeout: '30 seconds',
        retry: {
          maximumAttempts: 2,
      config: {
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
      id: 'node-4',
      type: 'conditionNode',
      inputKeys: ['processedData'],
      condition: 'processedData.completed === true',
      trueBranch: 'node-5',
      falseBranch: 'node-6',
      id: 'node-5',
      type: 'parallelNode',
      branches: ['node-7', 'node-8'],
      id: 'node-6',
      type: 'scriptNode',
      inputKeys: ['processedData'],
      outputKeys: ['scriptOutput'],
      script: `
        const data = processedData;
        const result = {, extraInfo: 'Added by script' };
        return result;
  edges: [
    { source: 'node-1', target: 'node-2' },
    { source: 'node-2', target: 'node-3' },