softlayer / jumpgate

A simple library to make more clouds compatible with OpenStack.
MIT License
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How do I use this with SoftLayer? #165

Open hairyhenderson opened 9 years ago

hairyhenderson commented 9 years ago

Maybe I'm missing a piece of the puzzle, but is Jumpgate deployed inside SoftLayer? Is there a way, as a SoftLayer customer, that I can use the OpenStack nova command to e.g. bring up VMs?

I suppose what I'm looking for is some kind of equivalent to the openrc file that I can download from an OpenStack interface that helps set OS_AUTH_URL, OS_TENANT_ID, etc...

Or am I way off base and not understanding what this is all about?


jimlindeman commented 9 years ago

Jumpgate sets up a REST server that imitates Openstack Keystone. So set the OS_AUTH_URL to point to the URL where you are running Jumpgate. The OS_TENANT_ID is your Softlayer account#, the OS_USERNAME is the softlayer user-name & password in the OS_PASSWORD field (might have spelling of those fields wrong).

hairyhenderson commented 9 years ago

@jimlindeman I suppose I assumed that SoftLayer was running Jumpgate somewhere already in some publicly-accessible spot. Is there a reason they're not?

jimlindeman commented 9 years ago

To do that, they would need to run it in a cluster behind a load-balancer and be able to track the health of the VMs & processes in that cluster (stuff that Netflix-OSS tries to deal with). So for now, its only intended to be run on a SoftLayer user's own local infrastructure, as I'm not aware it does https in the keystone emulation yet.

hairyhenderson commented 9 years ago

Ok, I see. Maybe this can be made a little more clear in the or docs?


clstokes commented 9 years ago

I'd also add that it would be great to see a working example in the README of using the OpenStack CLI tools with Jumpgate. As a new user to SoftLayer/OpenStack, I'm unsure of the various --bypass-url, --os-auth-url, --os-tenant-id, etc. nova CLI arguments that are needed to make this work.