softlayer / sl-ember-components

An Ember CLI Addon that provides a variety of UI components.
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sl-date-range-picker: "startDateValue" cannot be more than "endDateValue" #875

Open juwara0 opened 8 years ago

juwara0 commented 8 years ago

Provide a fix for "startDateValue" is more than "endDateValue" and then verify the fix by turning the skipped test below back on.

This test fails: test( '"startDateValue" cannot be more than "endDateValue"', function( assert ) {

this.render( hbs`
` );

    this.$( '>:first-child' ).find( '.sl-daterange-start-date' ).find( 'input' ).val(),
    'The "startDateValue" is not more than the "endDateValue"'


Yogeswar commented 8 years ago

I'm working on this. addressed by #870 (will cause merge conflicts otherwise)

SpikedKira commented 8 years ago

Should be resolved by #1458