softlayer / softlayer-object-storage-php

SoftLayer Object Storage PHP Client
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Traversing prefixed container to get all objects, but getObjectCount() returns number of all objects in the container without prefix #30

Open leledumbo opened 8 years ago

leledumbo commented 8 years ago

The following code is expected to return all objects under the given prefix as $container->objects

$client = new ObjectStorage($host, $username, $password);
$objectToRequest = 10000;
$container = $client->with('container')->setParam('prefix','a prefix')->get($objectToRequest);
while (count($container->objects) < $container->getObjectCount()) {
    $obj = end($container->objects);
    $marker = $obj->getPath();
    $container->get($objectToRequest, $marker);

However, the code runs indefinitely. And when I add:

echo count($container->objects).' = '.$container->getObjectCount();

in the loop, I see that the values are static where $container->getObjectCount() shows the number of all objects in the unprefixed container, while count($container->objects) shows the number of all objects in the prefixed container.

The reason for the loop is because get() maximum returns 10000 objects per call, so for prefixes which have more than 10000 objects the call must be repeated with marker as last retrieved object.

My question is:

  1. Is my understanding about the methods correct?
  2. Is the above code correct? i.e. doing what I intend to do as explained above? If not, what's the correct one?

