softloud / happypillpain
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interventions #61

Closed softloud closed 3 years ago

softloud commented 3 years ago

cleaned intervention labels

Wrangle from w_study_par

softloud commented 3 years ago

Some things for @HollieBirkinshaw to doublecheck

NB: these are only for type is "placebo" or "antidepressant".

I've tweaked a few things from this intervention labels. In this table there are 34 interventions (prior to tweaks to be checked with @HollieBirkinshaw).

intervention n
amitriptyline 44
bupropion 1
citalopram 5
clomipramine 2
desipramine 7
desipramine hydrochloride 1
desvenlafaxine 8
dothiepin 2
doxepin 2
duloxetine 52
duloxetine 1
duloxetine hcl 1
escitalopram 3
esreboxetine 4
fluoxetine 11
fluvoxamine 1
imipramine 7
maprotiline 5
mianserin 2
milnacipran 20
mirtazapine 5
moclobemide 1
nortriptyline 7
paroxetine 10
paroxetine controlled release 1
pirlindole 1
placebo 124
reboxetine 1
sertraline 3
trazodone 3
trimipramine 2
venlafaxine 11
venlafaxine xr 1
zimelidine 1

@HollieBirkinshaw to confirm the following assumptions

after implemented these assumptions

There are now 29 interventions included in study-arms where type is "placebo" or "antidepressant" (currently we are only including these observations.

New labels:

intervention n
amitriptyline 44
bupropion 1
citalopram 5
clomipramine 2
desipramine 8
desvenlafaxine 8
dothiepin 2
doxepin 2
duloxetine 54
escitalopram 3
esreboxetine 4
fluoxetine 11
fluvoxamine 1
imipramine 7
maprotiline 5
mianserin 2
milnacipran 20
mirtazapine 5
moclobemide 1
nortriptyline 7
paroxetine 11
pirlindole 1
placebo 124
reboxetine 1
sertraline 3
trazodone 3
trimipramine 2
venlafaxine 12
zimelidine 1

w00t! intervention labels are off @softloud's desk until @HollieBirkinshaw gets a chance to look over.

code of assumptions

        # assumptions to be checked with hollie
        # documented in #51
        intervention = case_when(
          intervention == "desipramine hydrochloride" ~ "desipramine",
          str_detect(intervention, "^duloxetine") ~ "duloxetine",
          intervention == "venlafaxine xr" ~ "venlafaxine",
          str_detect(intervention, "^paroxetine") ~ "paroxetine",
          TRUE ~ intervention
softloud commented 3 years ago

@softloud has coded this and @HollieBirkinshaw has checked it