softloud / neet

Coding to code::proof: Boundary checks for test-driven development.
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code::registration #11

Open softloud opened 4 years ago

softloud commented 4 years ago



Workflow tools for coding to code::proof.


Objects to test.

No need to neet test the inputs.


Tests that are informative.

softloud commented 4 years ago

Team reproCAT::, @psychtek @Doi90 @egouldo,

What do we think of what to test for?

atm we have tests for character, logical, numeric, and dataframe.

A `character` string will be checked for being of string-length > 1.

A `numeric` is checked for not being `NA`, `NULL`, `Inf`, or `-Inf`.

A `list`` is checked for being of length > 1.

A `data.frame` is checked for having at least one row.

The idea is to have a go-to neet test.

You want to write a function? Great!

Identify inputs and outputs. Then write an assert_neet and a test_neet with expected type. And you've covered the neet tests for the coding cycle.

Would supermuch appreciate it if you had a look at the code for expect_nonempty and expect_neet, where those functions are housed. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

psychtek commented 4 years ago

I think this might be a excel issue but I know that some of the paper_ids are taken as scientific fore example, "1E04" a number instead of a character.