softmoth / raku-Template-Mustache

Raku library for the Mustache template format
Artistic License 2.0
21 stars 19 forks source link

Test fails on Windows as of 2016.11 #15

Closed stmuk closed 7 years ago

stmuk commented 7 years ago
===> Testing: Template::Mustache:auth('github:softmoth')
# Reading spec files from '../mustache-spec/specs'
read from dirhandle failed: 3
  in sub load-specs at C:\Users\steve\star\rakudo-star-2016.12.zef\modules\p6-Template-Mustache\t\lib\Template\Mustache\ (Template::Mustache::TestUtil) line 11
  in block <unit> at t/91-specs.t line 8

# Reading spec files from '../mustache-spec/specs'
read from dirhandle failed: 3
  in sub load-specs at C:\Users\steve\star\rakudo-star-2016.12.zef\modules\p6-Template-Mustache\t\lib\Template\Mustache\ (Template::Mustache::TestUtil) line 11
  in block <unit> at t/92-specs-file.t line 19

===> Testing [FAIL]: Template::Mustache:auth('github:softmoth')
softmoth commented 7 years ago

Steve, I'm not sure where the problem is coming from here. Maybe you could help dig into what's misbehaving? The code is depending on dir('foo') to fail if there is a problem. For example,

dir('nonexistent-dir') // <a b c>   # This should be (a b c), not an error

I assume some part of that isn't working on your system, but I'm not sure what it is or just how to work around it. If you can find a workaround, let me know.

stmuk commented 7 years ago

Your above code fragment does error on Windows. I only fire up my Windows VM very rarely but you might find adding a file like

is helpful for debugging on that system.

The debug cycle using Windows CI is a little slow but can be speeded up by adding "choco install rakudo-star" (or similar) and trying to "zef --force install" your module.

It could be a bug in Rakudo itself of course...

softmoth commented 7 years ago

Now passing on appveyor:

Thank you!!!