softprops / atty

are you or are you not a tty?
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Redox OS support #14

Closed ids1024 closed 6 years ago

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Changes Unknown when pulling 3853e2b322e60b71a44734ecdd27300d56dc2f69 on ids1024:redox2 into on softprops:master.

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Changes Unknown when pulling 3853e2b322e60b71a44734ecdd27300d56dc2f69 on ids1024:redox2 into on softprops:master.

ids1024 commented 6 years ago

@softprops It would be great if you could merge this and

softprops commented 6 years ago

will publish a new version as soon as I get some CI issues sorted out. looks like I've got a bit of travis debt to clean up

ids1024 commented 6 years ago

@softprops Is Travis the only thing preventing a release? I'd like to be able to use this without cargo overrides.

Unit tests are a bit problematic, since you can't necessarily assume whether or not the tests will actually be run in a tty. I'm not sure there's a great solution to that.

softprops commented 6 years ago

@ids1024 yea agree I think part of this has to do with travis changing a base default image they use. I'm going to try and clean this up and rely on good faith to publish a new release and see if I can follow up with some flavor of integration style tests. You totally right that these tests are a bit fickle in that they rely on how the runtime runs the tests.

softprops commented 6 years ago

done. enjoy!

ids1024 commented 6 years ago

Thanks! And could you also bump termsize? The CI there seems to be failing for similar reasons, i.e. some change in Travis (I guess it used to be attached to a pty, and isn't now, or something like that).

softprops commented 6 years ago

That's my guess as well. I'll try to get that done today

softprops commented 6 years ago
