Actual behavior:
If a user wants to switch from a unencrypted localStorage to secure-ls, he/she has to rewrite most of the current storage method calls as secure-ls uses different APIs (e.g. get(key) instead of getItem(key) and so on )
-Desired behavior
In order to simplify secure-ls adoption in place of a unencrypted storage, if it could comply the Storage API this could make a developer life much easier, and allow better third party integration.
This would require implementing the five Storage interface methods:
-Desired behavior In order to simplify secure-ls adoption in place of a unencrypted storage, if it could comply the Storage API this could make a developer life much easier, and allow better third party integration.
This would require implementing the five Storage interface methods: Storage.key() Storage.getItem() Storage.setItem() Storage.removeItem() Storage.clear()
or just remap current method names