software-mansion / TypeGPU

TypeGPU is a TypeScript library that enhances the WebGPU API, allowing resource management in a type-safe, declarative way.
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[Discussion] API for executing code on the GPU. #151

Open iwoplaza opened 1 month ago

iwoplaza commented 1 month ago


const pipeline = runtime.makeComputePipeline({
  code: wgsl`${counterBuffer.asMutableStorage()} += 1;`,

async function increment() {
  const result = await runtime.readBuffer(counterBuffer);

Iteration 1:

Pipelines are created on demand and cached based on the passed in code's object identity and parameters (optional).

const incrementCode = wgsl`${counterBuffer.asMutable()} += 1;`;

async function increment() {
  const result = await runtime.readBuffer(counterBuffer);
iwoplaza commented 4 weeks ago

Iteration 2:

const incrementStep = wgsl.computeStep({
  code: wgsl`${asMutable(counterBuffer)} += 1;`,

async function increment() {
  const result = await runtime.readBuffer(counterBuffer);
const vertexStep = wgsl.vertexStep({
  code: wgsl`
    var pos = array<vec2f, 6>(
      vec2<f32>( 1,  1),
      vec2<f32>( 1, -1),
      vec2<f32>(-1, -1),
      vec2<f32>( 1,  1),
      vec2<f32>(-1, -1),
      vec2<f32>(-1,  1)

    let outPos = vec4f(pos[${builtin.vertexIndex}], 0, 1);
  output: {
    [builtin.position]: 'outPos',

const fragmentStep = wgsl.fragmentStep({
  code: () => wgsl`
    let minDim = f32(min(${canvasDimsData}.width, ${canvasDimsData}.height));

    var ray: ${rayStruct};
    ray.origin = ${cameraPositionData};
    ray.direction += ${cameraAxesData}.right * (${builtin.position}.x - f32(${canvasDimsData}.width)/2)/minDim;
    ray.direction += ${cameraAxesData}.up * (${builtin.position}.y - f32(${canvasDimsData}.height)/2)/minDim;
    ray.direction += ${cameraAxesData}.forward;
    ray.direction = normalize(ray.direction);

    let bigBoxIntersection = ${getBoxIntersectionFn}(
      ) + vec3f(f32(${boxSizeData}))/2,

    var color = vec4f(0);

    if bigBoxIntersection.intersects {
      var tMin: f32;
      var intersectionFound = false;

      for (var i = 0; i < ${X}; i = i+1) {
        for (var j = 0; j < ${Y}; j = j+1) {
          for (var k = 0; k < ${Z}; k = k+1) {
            if ${boxMatrixData}[i][j][k].isActive == 0 {

            let intersection = ${getBoxIntersectionFn}(
              vec3f(f32(i), f32(j), f32(k)) * ${MAX_BOX_SIZE} - vec3f(f32(${boxSizeData}))/2,
              vec3f(f32(i), f32(j), f32(k)) * ${MAX_BOX_SIZE} + vec3f(f32(${boxSizeData}))/2,

            if intersection.intersects && (!intersectionFound || intersection.tMin < tMin) {
              color = ${boxMatrixData}[i][j][k].albedo;
              tMin = intersection.tMin;
              intersectionFound = true;

    return color;
  targets: [
      format: presentationFormat,

async function increment() {
      colorAttachments: [
          view: textureView,
          clearValue: [0, 0, 0, 0],
          loadOp: 'clear',
          storeOp: 'store',
      vertexCount: 6,
  const result = await runtime.readBuffer(counterBuffer);
iwoplaza commented 4 weeks ago

@mhawryluk @reczkok Thoughts? 👀

reczkok commented 4 weeks ago

Currently I don't think separating vertex and fragment shaders is a very good idea. They always go together and imo separating them just creates room for errors and confusion. I like the idea of dropping the 'pipeline' name tho.

mhawryluk commented 4 weeks ago

I like this new API. I don't think it's a massive improvement to readability, but it's a nice touch.

iwoplaza commented 4 weeks ago

Currently I don't think separating vertex and fragment shaders is a very good idea. They always go together and imo separating them just creates room for errors and confusion. I like the idea of dropping the 'pipeline' name tho.

That is true, however if we want to go in the direction of .tgpu, then we would need to think of a different syntax than creating two separate @vertex and @fragment functions. With them being separated, we can still enforce types statically:

// Inferred as WgslVertexStep<{ uv: Vec2f }>
const vertexStep = wgsl.vertexStep({
  code: wgsl``,
  output: {
    [builtin.position]: 'out_pos',
    'uv': vec2f,

const fragmentStep = wgsl.fragmentStep<{ uv: Vec2f }>({
  code: ({ uv }) => wgsl`
    let val = ${uv};
  // ...
reczkok commented 4 weeks ago

If we have it typed it would also create a nice way to create multiple fragment shaders for one vertex shader and easily swap between them without risking incompatibility issues between vertex output and fragment input. I like it 👍