software-mansion / react-native-gesture-handler

Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to React Native.
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Support multi-touch behaviour with panning and scrolling #2622

Open matis-dk opened 11 months ago

matis-dk commented 11 months ago


I’m trying to implement something similar to the gesture behaviour on the default list view on iOS. Eg. the “Reminders” app inside iOS.

It consist of a scrollable view with some list item's inside. When you long-press a list item, it lets you rearrange where the item belong. At the surface, this implementation seems quite simple - a ScrollView wrapping around multiple ListItem component's that is using the Gesture.Pan().activateAfterLongPress(250).

The code could look something like this ``` import { useRef } from "react"; import { Dimensions, View } from "react-native"; import { Gesture, GestureDetector, ScrollView, } from "react-native-gesture-handler"; import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle, useSharedValue, withSpring, } from "react-native-reanimated"; import { Text } from "../restyled/Text"; const items = [ { id: "id_John", name: "John" }, { id: "id_Jane", name: "Jane" }, { id: "id_Jack", name: "Jack" }, { id: "id_Jill", name: "Jill" }, { id: "id_Joe", name: "Joe" }, { id: "id_Jim", name: "Jim" }, { id: "id_Joy", name: "Joy" }, ]; const listItemHeight = 75; const listItemWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width; type Position = { x: number; y: number }; export function List() { return ( {, index) => ( ))} ); } type ListItemProps = { id: string; }; function ListItem(props: ListItemProps) { const { id } = props; const sharedSelectedItem = useSharedValue(null); const sharedSelectedPosStart = useRef( useSharedValue({ x: 0, y: 0, }) ).current; const sharedSelectedPos = useRef( useSharedValue({ x: 0, y: 0, }) ).current; const panGesture = Gesture.Pan() .activateAfterLongPress(250) .onStart((e) => { sharedSelectedItem.value = id; sharedSelectedPosStart.value = { x: e.absoluteX, y: e.absoluteY }; }) .onUpdate((e) => { sharedSelectedPos.value = { y: e.absoluteY - sharedSelectedPosStart.value.y, x: e.absoluteX - sharedSelectedPosStart.value.x, }; }) .onFinalize((e) => { sharedSelectedItem.value = null; sharedSelectedPos.value = { x: withSpring(0), y: withSpring(0), }; }); const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => { const active = sharedSelectedItem.value === id; return { backgroundColor: active ? "blue" : "gray", opacity: active ? 1 : 0.5, transform: [ { translateX: sharedSelectedPos.value.x, }, { translateY: sharedSelectedPos.value.y, }, ], }; }); return ( {} ); } ```

The problem arise when the scrollable list is expanding beyond the device height dimensions. Because if you would like to drag a ListItem to the bottom of the list, then you need to be able to support scrolling while panning (dragging the item around). To support this, iOS implement 2 different scroll behaviors.

  1. Hot areas in top and bottom of the screen, that imperatively scroll at a constant pace.
  2. Support for scroll with a secondary finger, while the panning is active with the primary finger.

I think that bullet 1. is possible by keeping track of the fingers absolute position on the screen, and activate scroll imperatively, when the primary finger is entering hot areas in the top or bottom of the screen.

But bullet 2. doesn't seem to be possible by the primitive provider by RNGH currently. By default, ScrollView's seems to be dismissed when a pan-gesture is active. The simultaneousHandlers prop allow the ScrollView gesture, and Gesture.Pan, to be active simultaneously - but this let the primary finger, pan and scroll at the same time.

What seems to be the crux of the problem, is that when a Gesture.Pan is active, RNGH is disabling ScrollView gestures globally, and not locally to the current gesture in action. If theGesture.Pan instead recognized and ignored the scrollview events, for the local pan-gesture in action, it would allow the secondary finger to scroll. What seems to be missing is a way to distingquish between disabling and ignoring ScrollView events for a given gesture.

The multi-touch behavior combining pan with the primary finger, and scrolling with secondary finger, is used multiple places inside iOS. E.g when.

I noticed that Gesture.Native is able to wrap and listen to events on the ScrollView, but I'm unable to figure out how this can be composed with behavior im describing above.

Steps to reproduce

The code could look something like this ``` import { useRef } from "react"; import { Dimensions, View } from "react-native"; import { Gesture, GestureDetector, ScrollView, } from "react-native-gesture-handler"; import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle, useSharedValue, withSpring, } from "react-native-reanimated"; import { Text } from "../restyled/Text"; const items = [ { id: "id_John", name: "John" }, { id: "id_Jane", name: "Jane" }, { id: "id_Jack", name: "Jack" }, { id: "id_Jill", name: "Jill" }, { id: "id_Joe", name: "Joe" }, { id: "id_Jim", name: "Jim" }, { id: "id_Joy", name: "Joy" }, ]; const listItemHeight = 75; const listItemWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width; type Position = { x: number; y: number }; export function List() { return ( {, index) => ( ))} ); } type ListItemProps = { id: string; }; function ListItem(props: ListItemProps) { const { id } = props; const sharedSelectedItem = useSharedValue(null); const sharedSelectedPosStart = useRef( useSharedValue({ x: 0, y: 0, }) ).current; const sharedSelectedPos = useRef( useSharedValue({ x: 0, y: 0, }) ).current; const panGesture = Gesture.Pan() .activateAfterLongPress(250) .onStart((e) => { sharedSelectedItem.value = id; sharedSelectedPosStart.value = { x: e.absoluteX, y: e.absoluteY }; }) .onUpdate((e) => { sharedSelectedPos.value = { y: e.absoluteY - sharedSelectedPosStart.value.y, x: e.absoluteX - sharedSelectedPosStart.value.x, }; }) .onFinalize((e) => { sharedSelectedItem.value = null; sharedSelectedPos.value = { x: withSpring(0), y: withSpring(0), }; }); const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => { const active = sharedSelectedItem.value === id; return { backgroundColor: active ? "blue" : "gray", opacity: active ? 1 : 0.5, transform: [ { translateX: sharedSelectedPos.value.x, }, { translateY: sharedSelectedPos.value.y, }, ], }; }); return ( {} ); } ```
### Snack or a link to a repository ### Gesture Handler version 2.12.0 ### React Native version 0.72.4 ### Platforms Android, iOS ### JavaScript runtime None ### Workflow None ### Architecture None ### Build type None ### Device None ### Device model _No response_ ### Acknowledgements Yes
matis-dk commented 8 months ago

Demo showcasing scroll and panning simultaneously.

Dragging a list item from iOS's "Reminders" app:

Dragging a iOS widget between the different homescreen:

matis-dk commented 8 months ago

@j-piasecki can you by any chance confirm that this is in fact currently not possible with the primitives provided by RNGH?

zebriot commented 1 month ago

Here is a snippet i used with to handle simulatneously multiple gestures with native elements, the key is to have the native element as direct child to your gesture detector

You can do something like this,

  const nativeGesture = Gesture.Native();
  const composedGestures = Gesture.Simultaneous(myPanGesture, nativeGesture);
  const ScrollComponent = (props: any) => {
    return (
     <GestureDetector gesture={composedGestures}>
      <ScrollView {...props} />

  return (

This will handle both gestures simultaneously, I am just using translationX in my myPanGesture gesture so i havent tried yet with others.

latekvo commented 1 week ago

Hi @matis-dk

The end result you described is as far as i know only possible to achieve on Android phones for now.

The code snippet sent by @zebriot is a good example of how you can achieve these results, the key is to wrap your scroll component with Gesture.Native().

Here's another example which works well on Android:

Collapsed code ```jsx import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import { Gesture, GestureDetector } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle, useSharedValue, withSpring, } from 'react-native-reanimated'; export default function EmptyExample() { const panActive = useSharedValue(false); const position = useSharedValue(0); const panPreviousPosition = useSharedValue(0); const scrollPreviousPosition = useSharedValue(-1); const scroll = Gesture.Native() .onTouchesMove((event) => { ('worklet'); if (!panActive.value) { return; } const scrollPosition = event.allTouches[0].absoluteY; if (scrollPreviousPosition.value === -1) { scrollPreviousPosition.value = scrollPosition; return; } const delta = scrollPosition - scrollPreviousPosition.value; scrollPreviousPosition.value = scrollPosition; position.value = position.value - delta; // console.log('delta', delta); // console.log('position', position.value); }) .onFinalize(() => { scrollPreviousPosition.value = -1; }); const pan = Gesture.Pan() .activateAfterLongPress(250) .onStart(() => { panActive.value = true; position.value = 0; }) .onUpdate((e) => { const delta = e.translationY - panPreviousPosition.value; position.value += delta; panPreviousPosition.value = e.translationY; }) .onFinalize(() => { position.value = withSpring(0); panActive.value = false; panPreviousPosition.value = 0; scrollPreviousPosition.value = -1; }); const elementPadding = 21; const elementFiller = ( <> {new Array(elementPadding).fill(1).map(() => ( Hello World! ))} ); const animation = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({ ...styles.highlight, transform: [ { translateY: position.value ?? 0, }, ], })); return ( {elementFiller} Hello World! {elementFiller} ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF', }, box: { padding: 40, backgroundColor: 'navy', justifyContent: 'center', }, highlight: { padding: 40, backgroundColor: 'tomato', color: 'white', zIndex: 99, }, }); ```

But please keep in mind, as this feature works only on Android.


as of the following PR: #3095, the Gesture.Pan() will require .simultaneousWithExternalGesture(scroll) to be added to it.