software-mansion / react-native-reanimated

React Native's Animated library reimplemented
MIT License
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Flickering appears in 3.6.0 that is not present in 3.5.4 #5671

Open lichstam opened 4 months ago

lichstam commented 4 months ago


Flickering is introduced in 3.6.0, iOS, that wasn't present in earlier versions. I'm using interpolation to control height for a div above the one shown on the video in comments section. while expanding the view (thus the animated height), it starts flickering from version 3.6.0.

here is the code i'm using:

  const stepsHeight = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    const height = interpolate(
      [0, maxDP - midDP, maxDP],
        maxDP -
    return { height };
      <Animated.View style={stepsHeight} />

i've tried IDENTITY, EXTEND and none as well, nothing seems to help but downgrading to 3.5.4

my RN version is 0.72.10

### Steps to reproduce

1. animate height with interpolation
2. observe flicker when height is expanded

Flicker while expanding (version 3.6.0 and above)

No flicker while expanding (version 3.5.4)

### Snack or a link to a repository
### Reanimated version


### React Native version


### Platforms


### JavaScript runtime


### Workflow

React Native

### Architecture

Paper (Old Architecture)

### Build type

Release app & dev bundle

### Device

iOS simulator

### Device model

iPhone 12 pro and iPhone 15 pro

### Acknowledgements

lichstam commented 4 months ago

i have very limited time atm for repro but if it's really needed i will try to find some the coming days

lichstam commented 4 months ago

you can see the flicker here. it's subtle but more apparent when you use gestures (i'm using the latest rn gesture handler btw, 2.15.0 for both cases

you can see the flicker, or the lag when it's close to the closing

lichstam commented 4 months ago

also link to video of how it looks in my app while expanding a modal with this view inside:

pavelbabenko commented 4 months ago

Having same issue in 3.6.2 with animating height

domenicoprestia commented 4 months ago

i see this problem also when animation padding and margin

jeremybarbet commented 4 months ago

I second that, seeing the same issue with height interpolation

hanwenbo commented 2 months ago


tokkozhin commented 1 month ago

It's still in v3.11.0

lichstam commented 3 weeks ago

It's still in v3.11.0


i was hoping to see it resolved!

could someone from the team shed some light on this? have you found the issue? is it a hard problem to solve?

lichstam commented 2 weeks ago

just tried with 3.12.1 and can confirm that the flickering is still there.

@piaskowyk @tomekzaw

could you shed some light on this? is it a hard problem to fix?

lichstam commented 2 weeks ago

is it tied to this?

it seems like the issue has been introduced here:

piaskowyk commented 1 week ago

For me is seems as a smoth animation 🤔

Here is my example code:

code ```js import { View, Text, SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import {useEffect} from 'react' import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle, interpolate, useSharedValue, Extrapolation, withRepeat, withTiming, } from 'react-native-reanimated'; export default function App() { const animatedPosition = useSharedValue(0) useEffect(() => { animatedPosition.value = withRepeat(withTiming(1, { duration: 1500 }), -1, true); }, []); const stepsHeight = useAnimatedStyle(() => { const height = interpolate( animatedPosition.value, [1, -1], [400, -400 ], Extrapolation.CLAMP, ); return { height }; }); return ( ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1', padding: 8, }, paragraph: { margin: 24, fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold', textAlign: 'center', }, }); ```
pavelbabenko commented 1 week ago

@piaskowyk For me the issue exists only in production mode

lichstam commented 1 week ago

For me is seems as a smoth animation 🤔 Here is my example code:


it is actually choppy. if you look really closely you can see it sort of "skips" some frames.

i'll try to post a video this evening on how it looks at my end

lichstam commented 1 week ago

v. 3.5.4

v 3.12.1

lichstam commented 1 week ago

tried with the latest react native version: 0.74.2, problem still persists

lichstam commented 1 week ago

i cherry picked these commits

onto 3.5.4

and that's the point where the stuttering starts. i'm not an ios pro but it doesn't seem much is done apart from switching to fabric? or is there room for improvements on this library's end?

piaskowyk commented 1 week ago

But are you using the new architecture in your application? 🤔

lichstam commented 1 week ago

But are you using the new architecture in your application? 🤔


i guess that's per default if you're running a version higher or equal to 0.73?

nevertheless, i tried to do pod install with different flags but nothing seems to yield any desirable results.

since these problems are present i'm running at 0.72 with v 3.5.4. i want to upgrade though, but i can't because of the stuttering

lichstam commented 1 week ago

i have tried the following flags:



RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=0 pod install

and just pod install

is there anything else you would like me to try?

lichstam commented 6 days ago

please, this is urgent.

could you at least confirm the root cause of the problem? if it's not part of this library i will try to push it here:

bartlomiejbloniarz commented 6 days ago

Hi @lichstam 👋 I don't think the RN issue is relevant here, as it only pertains to the New Architecture and if I understand correctly you are using Old Architecture. Unfortunately the videos you uploaded last week seem to be unavailable. Could you reupload them?

lichstam commented 6 days ago

Hi @lichstam 👋 I don't think the RN issue is relevant here, as it only pertains to the New Architecture and if I understand correctly you are using Old Architecture. Unfortunately the videos you uploaded last week seem to be unavailable. Could you reupload them?

try here:

v. 3.5.4

v 3.12.1

and regarding the old/new architecture, i tried using the latest rn with these flags:


so i guess that should've made it run with the new architecture?

but regardless, it doesnt work after this one:

bartlomiejbloniarz commented 6 days ago

This is what it looks like for me. I can see some choppiness on the simulator, but I don't really see the difference between 3.12 and 3.5.4. Also, this choppiness is way less severe than what I can see in your recordings. Are you sure this is a good reproduction of the issue?

lichstam commented 6 days ago

hey, i'm trying to recreate an example but with no luck. i will try more tomorrow.

the gist is that there is one component that expands from not visible (0 in height) to the amount of the fully expanded modal. this way, the first component that you see in the video stays fixed in place. but for some reason there is this stuttering in the newer versions of reanimated

lichstam commented 5 days ago

ok, i got it

try this code, and try it on a real device

import { View, Text, useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';
import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
import BottomSheet from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet';
import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';

export default function App() {
  const animatedPosition = useSharedValue(0);
  const maxDP = useWindowDimensions().height;

  const midDP = maxDP / 2;
  const stepsHeight = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    const height = interpolate(
      [0, maxDP - midDP, maxDP],
      [maxDP - midDP, 0, 0],
    return { height, backgroundColor: 'blue' };

  return (
    <GestureHandlerRootView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        snapPoints={['50%', '100%']}>
        <Animated.View style={stepsHeight} />
        <View style={{ height: 300 }}>
          <Text>Should be sticky</Text>

@gorhom/bottom-sheet this lib also uses reanimated, v2 but according to your docs there are no breaking changes, so i guess that should be alright

just expand it fully and go back to the middle and you'll notice the stutter. i can confirm that this stuttering is not present in


~3.10.1 (with expo)