Open rabbitmouse opened 6 months ago
same problem, Fatal defect,please fix this as soon as possible
@rabbitmouse Hello, I ran your repro and it worked perfectly for me. Definitely one thing I can suggest you is to run:
npx expo start --clear
instead of expo start..
. But other than that, I ran the exact same repo and didn't see any of the issues.
@rabbitmouse Hello, I ran your repro and it worked perfectly for me. Definitely one thing I can suggest you is to run:
npx expo start --clear
instead ofexpo start..
. But other than that, I ran the exact same repo and didn't see any of the
@szydlovsky hi, I think you are running in debug mode. This bug will only exist in release mode. Please try to run the release environment
iOS: Please modify the running mode in xcode scheme
Android: Please refer to the steps below and install apk into your device
cd ModalBugDemo/ npm i npm run prebuild npm run release_android adb install -r 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk'
hey @rabbitmouse, I have created a yarn-based repo using exact same versions (RN 0.73.6, REA 3.6.2, release mode) - and the bug isn't there. Same happens when I use your repro code in the Reanimated Example app - there are no bugs whatsoever. Please take a look at the repo:, there has to be something wrong with your setup then.
(With yarn you have to run: yarn && cd ios && bundle install && bundle exec pod install
and then run the project from Xcode)
hey @rabbitmouse, I have created a yarn-based repo using exact same versions (RN 0.73.6, REA 3.6.2, release mode) - and the bug isn't there. Same happens when I use your repro code in the Reanimated Example app - there are no bugs whatsoever. Please take a look at the repo:, there has to be something wrong with your setup then.
(With yarn you have to run:
yarn && cd ios && bundle install && bundle exec pod install
and then run the project from Xcode)
Thank you for your reply! @szydlovsky
I noticed that the new react-native architecture was not enabled in your demo.
Modal is normal in the old architecture, but problems will occur in the release environment of the new architecture. Please modify app.json to enable the new architecture.
like this code below
"plugins": [
"ios": {
"newArchEnabled": true,
"flipper": true
"android": {
"newArchEnabled": true
This bug will only appear when the new architecture + release mode.
and i use expo to create the demo.
Please refer to my process and try again, thank you very much! 😭 @szydlovsky
Same issue
I'm experiencing the same problem but it also occurs in debug for me. Only iOS is affected, Android and web are fine. I've created another repro in case that helps:
Steps to reproduce
npm i
pushd ios && pod install && popd
npm start --clear-cache
Open ios/ModalRepro.xcworkspace
Run against a simulator
Tap 'Open Animated Screen'
Tap 'Open Modal'
Observe that the RCTViewComponentView
inside RCTFabricModalHost
has zero size
To see it working fine without reanimated, run from Xcode again, and instead tap 'Open Screen', and 'Open Modal'
I came across this upgrading a large mixed project (some native, some react native) from RN 0.69.12 to 0.75.2, including a reanimated upgrade from 3.3.0 to 3.15.0. This problem seems to be a regression since those versions, although this upgrade did include switching to the new architecture.
Same Problem using new arch in android release mode, any update here?
any update here?
any update?
Our project uses the new ReactNative architecture. In the release environment, when the page contains both reanimted and modal, the modal display will be abnormal, and the sub-nodes in the modal will be displayed in the upper left corner.
Steps to reproduce
Snack or a link to a repository
Reanimated version
React Native version
Android, iOS
JavaScript runtime
React Native
Fabric (New Architecture)
Build type
Release app & production bundle
Real device
Device model
iphone12, Galaxy S22