software-mansion / react-native-reanimated

React Native's Animated library reimplemented
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Using `interpolateColor` inside `useDerivedValue` creates colors glitches on iOS #6119

Open swansontec opened 2 weeks ago

swansontec commented 2 weeks ago


Returning an interpolateColor value from a useDerivedValue will cause incorrect colors to appear on iOS. Here is the setup:

const blue = '#2080c0';
const derivedColor = useDerivedValue(() =>
  interpolateColor(0, [0, 1], [blue, blue]),

This should always render as blue if we put it in an animated style:

const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
  color: derivedColor.value,

However, on iOS specifically, the text will glitch to pink after the first button press:

  // Cause a re-render on press:
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
  const handleCount = () => setCount(count + 1);

  return (
      <Animated.Text style={animatedStyle}>
      <Button onPress={handleCount} title="Count" />

Steps to reproduce

Here is what seems to be happening:

  1. First render a. JS thread: useDerivedValue returns the string "rgba(32, 128, 192, 1)" b. JS thread: useAnimatedStyle returns the style { color: "rgba(32, 128, 192, 1)" } c. The text renders as blue d. UI thread: useDerivedValue runs again, and returns the integer 0xff2080c0. This seems to be some sort of optimization, since this differs from what the JS thread returns.
  2. User presses the button
  3. Second render a. JS thread: useDerivedValue does not run, but returns the saved 0xff2080c0 from the UI thread. b. JS thread: useAnimatedStyle returns the style { color: 0xff2080c0 } c. The text renders as pink

Directly rendering <Text style={{ color: 0xff2080c0 }}>Hello</Text> produces the same pink color (although TypeScript complains that numbers aren't valid colors). Messing around with the values, it seems that useAnimatedStyle on the JS thread interprets integers as 0xrrggbbaa, whereas the Reanimated UI thread interprets integers as 0xaarrggbb.

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swansontec commented 2 weeks ago

As a hacky work-around (since I don't know Reanimated well enough to fix this myself), we are using patch-package to edit node_modules/react-native-reanimated/src/reanimated2/Colors.ts, around line 520:

-  if (IS_WEB || !_WORKLET) {
+  if (!IS_ANDROID || !_WORKLET) {
     return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${alpha})`;

This removes a performance optimization, but it does solve the bug.

szydlovsky commented 2 weeks ago

@swansontec Seems like a fully fledged bug but I have one question: why use interpolateColor inside of useDerivedValue, if it doesn't use any other shared value? (useDerivedValue is specifically used for creating shared values based on other shared values).

swansontec commented 2 weeks ago

@szydlovsky Yeah, this code doesn't make any sense because it's a minimal repo case. Animations aren't really necessary to trigger the bug.

In our actual app, we do use animations to control the derived value where we found the bug:

const iconColor = useDerivedValue(() => interpolateIconColor(focusAnimation, disableAnimation))
szydlovsky commented 1 day ago

Hey @swansontec I think I found a solution for you! It required some digging, but the performance optimisation you mentioned was indeed the culprit. It is there to speed up the way we pass colors on UI thread (hence _WORKLET check). Unfortunately, useDerivedValue runs some of its code on UI, which ends up giving us processed colors as numbers (meant for UI thread only). I found a kinda hacky workaround for you and in general I will discuss the topic with the team.

What I did is: made sure interpolation function runs on JS using runOnJS. This forces us to define the interpolation function on JS thread, but you mentioned that in your app it uses shared values as well, so I parametrised it. I also added a shared value that gets the return of mentioned interpolation and makes sure that useDerivedValue updates. Also added some small color change to test animations along with it. The changed code is here:

import * as React from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, Button } from 'react-native';
import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';

const blue = '#2080c0';
const yellow = '#e0e63e';

export function RepoCase(): React.JSX.Element {
  // Shared values
  const changingValue = useSharedValue(0); // for animation
  const colorRef = useSharedValue(''); // for keeping the color

  // interpolate function defined on JS thread
  function interpolateFunc(someNumber: number) {
    colorRef.value = interpolateColor(someNumber, [0, 1], [yellow, blue]);

  const derivedColor = useDerivedValue(() => {
    return colorRef.value;

  const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    return {
      color: derivedColor.value,
      fontSize: 100,
      fontWeight: '700',

  // Re-render on press:
  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
  const handleCount = () => setCount(count + 1);

  const toggleColors = () => {
    changingValue.value =
      changingValue.value > 0
        ? (changingValue.value = withTiming(0, { duration: 2000 }))
        : (changingValue.value = withTiming(1, { duration: 2000 }));

  return (
      <Animated.Text style={animatedStyle}>{count}</Animated.Text>
      <Button onPress={handleCount} title="Count" />
      <Button onPress={toggleColors} title="Toggle colors" />

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
  const [id, setId] = React.useState(0);
  const handleReset = () => setId(id + 1);

  return (
      <RepoCase key={`id${id}`} />
      <Button onPress={handleReset} title="Reset" />

export default App;

Let me know what you think!