software-mansion / react-native-reanimated

React Native's Animated library reimplemented
MIT License
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TextInput created with createAnimatedComponent and an adapter does not render the changed value. #6173

Open npminit-dev opened 3 days ago

npminit-dev commented 3 days ago


I am trying to create a component that receives a value N and this component must render an animation from 0 to N passing through the intermediate numbers.

For that I have created an animated component of type TextInput with the createAnimatedComponent function, I have added the adapter for the TextInput found in the documentation and I have used the useAnimatedProps function... but I cannot get the animation to be rendered, even though inside useAnimatedProps the value that represents the animation is printed by the console.

I have read the documentation from end to end and I cannot understand what is missing, there are examples on the internet and on GitHub and they are incomplete or have broken links.

It would be good to have a complete example of how to use this functionality. There are only small pieces of this solution and trying to put it all together without information is a complete headache.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Add the 'text' property to the native properties whitelist and create animated component based on React-Native's TextInput component.
  2. Use the adapter for TextInput defined in the official documentation:
  3. Define the body of the component and the animation logic.
import Animated, { createAnimatedPropAdapter, useAnimatedProps, useDerivedValue, withTiming } from "react-native-reanimated";
import { TextInput, Text } from "react-native";

Animated.addWhitelistedNativeProps({text: true})
const AnimatedText = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TextInput);

const AnimatedNumberWrapper = () => {

  const animatedText = useDerivedValue(() => withTiming(3000, { duration: 1000 }));

  let animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => {
    console.log(animatedText.value) // <- This prints the numbers from 0 to 'target' correctly
    return {
      text: animatedText.value + ''
  }, [], TextInputAdapter)

  return ( 
      { /* this dont render anything */ }
      <AnimatedText animatedProps={animatedProps}></AnimatedText> 
      <Text>hello world</Text>

export const TextInputAdapter = createAnimatedPropAdapter(
  (props) => {
    const keys = Object.keys(props);
    if (keys.includes('value')) {
      props.text = props.value;
      delete props.value;

export default AnimatedNumberWrapper;

Snack or a link to a repository

Reanimated version


React Native version




JavaScript runtime



Expo Go


Fabric (New Architecture)

Build type

Debug app & dev bundle


Android emulator

Device model

Pixel 4

