software-mansion / react-native-screens

Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
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presentation="modal" not working on android #1650

Open Kotpes opened 1 year ago

Kotpes commented 1 year ago


Having set presentation="modal" for a screen has no effect on that screen on Android (still opens full screen view)

<Stack.Screen name="ComponentName" component={Component} options={() => ({
        presentation: 'modal'
})} />

Works as expected on iOS.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add presentation="modal" to a screen options
  2. See that it has no effect on android (still opens the full screen view) - see the snack attached

Snack or a link to a repository

Screens version


React Native version




JavaScript runtime



React Native (without Expo)


Paper (Old Architecture)

Build type

No response


No response

Device model

No response



ArtyEmsee commented 3 months ago

looks like a few things could happen here for a way forward:

  1. issue gets fixed (looking unlikely on a timeframe suitable for any of us with in-progress projects)
  2. update docs
  3. some kind of console warning if used on android

    as for my project, just living with the push navigation for now, unfortunately, and had to figure out a hack to hide the bottom navigation bar, because the purpose of the modal presentation was so that the presented flow was apart from the root navigation

You are absolutely right !. I am thinking of using this instead react-native-bottom-sheet

With the plan being to host the sheets inside of your routes?

suryanshsingh2001 commented 3 months ago

looks like a few things could happen here for a way forward:

  1. issue gets fixed (looking unlikely on a timeframe suitable for any of us with in-progress projects)
  2. update docs
  3. some kind of console warning if used on android

    as for my project, just living with the push navigation for now, unfortunately, and had to figure out a hack to hide the bottom navigation bar, because the purpose of the modal presentation was so that the presented flow was apart from the root navigation

You are absolutely right !. I am thinking of using this instead react-native-bottom-sheet

With the plan being to host the sheets inside of your routes?

No, just using them like a modal.

suryanshsingh2001 commented 2 months ago

Hey, I just found a temporary workaround for this for android, if you want modal to be a bit of away from screen like IOS version, just add these screen options and you are good to go.

 <Stack.Group screenOptions={({navigation}) => ({
          gestureEnabled: true,
          presentation: "modal",
          cardStyle: {marginTop: 10, borderTopStartRadius: 20, borderTopEndRadius: 20}

AnkushSarkar10 commented 2 months ago


m-emre-yalcin commented 2 months ago

i wish the modal screen supported on android

T30-H0 commented 2 months ago

they all use iPhones only 😥 .

kkafar commented 2 months ago

Hey hey: you can track this PR: for progress in the matter. It's finally entering review process.

atultiwaree commented 2 months ago

Hey hey: you can track this PR: for progress in the matter. It's finally entering review process.

Finally 😅

suryanshsingh2001 commented 2 months ago

Hey hey: you can track this PR: #2045 for progress in the matter. It's finally entering review process.


YosefOberlander commented 1 month ago

This works on android and IOS.
presentation: 'modal', gestureEnabled: true, ...(Platform.OS === 'android' && TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS),

<ListStackNavigator.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal', gestureEnabled: true, ...(Platform.OS === 'android' && TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS), }}> <ListStackNavigator.Screen name="NewList" component={NewList} options={{ headerShown: false, }} /> </ListStackNavigator.Group>

atultiwaree commented 1 month ago

This works on android.
presentation: 'modal', gestureEnabled: true, ...(Platform.OS === 'android' && TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS),

<ListStackNavigator.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal', gestureEnabled: true, ...(Platform.OS === 'android' && TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS), }}> <ListStackNavigator.Screen name="NewList" component={NewList} options={{ headerShown: false, }} /> </ListStackNavigator.Group> Will it work on iOS??

YosefOberlander commented 1 month ago

@atultiwaree Yes.

00ricardo commented 1 month ago

I'll recommend to use presentation: "transparentModal" instead. It worked for me.

mpanac commented 1 month ago

Please fix this issue with presentation: modal on android. For iOS there are no issues but on android i cannot make it work. Thanks!

brenosimonetti commented 1 month ago

any updates?

phoneticallySAARTHaK commented 1 month ago

Reading through the comments,

PR: #2045 is in progress


  1. Use Stack Navigator - with these screenOptions, and cardStyle to set its height

  2. Bottom sheet

doyunnn commented 4 weeks ago

I'm using @react-navigation/native-stack "^6.9.13" and below props should work.

    ios: 'transparentModal',
    android: 'containedTransparentModal',
  animation: 'slide_from_bottom',
  animationDuration: 100,
mapleroyal commented 3 weeks ago

Still not working on android.

karimelsaidy commented 3 weeks ago

still not working

kkafar commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, I'm limiting conversation cause:

  1. "still not working" comments do not bring anything to the discussion,
  2. I've already mentioned that you can track progress on #2045 (comment link),
  3. actually useful information gets lost in ton on "still not working" comments.
kkafar commented 3 weeks ago

And also let me update you on the status of

It is quite a big PR with tons of new logic introduced to the library, also bringing some breaking changes to the API - I'm actively progressing through the review & patching rough edges, but I wouldn't be surprised if it took even few more weeks to get the necessary approvals.