software-mansion / react-native-svg

SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.
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Tried To register two Views with the same name RTCVideoView in React Native #1140

Closed Eddy118 closed 4 years ago

Eddy118 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run my app on Android but I am getting this error I don't know why I am getting this, I don't know what is causing this error in my project I have tried tried many ways to resolve this issue but Still wasn't able to resolve this issue.

Tried To register two Views with the same name RTCVideoView

My Package.json is

  "name": "Hello World",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-native start",
    "test": "jest",
    "lint": "eslint ."
  "dependencies": {
    "@ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider": "^1.0.0",
    "@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.6.2",
    "@react-native-community/slider": "^2.0.0",
    "axios": "^0.19.0",
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    "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
    "react": "16.8.6",
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    "react-native-autogrow-textinput": "^5.2.0",
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    "react-native-calendars": "^1.212.0",
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    "react-native-image-picker": "^1.1.0",
    "react-native-linear-gradient": "^2.5.6",
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    "react-native-navigation": "^3.0.0",
    "react-native-scrollable-tab-view": "^0.10.0",
    "react-native-swiper": "^1.5.14",
    "react-native-vector-icons": "^6.6.0",
    "react-native-view-overflow": "^0.0.4",
    "react-native-webrtc": "^1.75.0",
    "react-redux": "^7.1.1",
    "redux": "^4.0.4",
    "redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
    "redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
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  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "^7.6.0",
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    "jest": "^24.9.0",
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    "react-test-renderer": "16.8.6"
  "jest": {
    "preset": "react-native"
msand commented 4 years ago

RTCVideoView is unrelated to this library

msand commented 4 years ago

probably related to react-native-webrtc

Eddy118 commented 4 years ago

I tried to remove react-native-webrtc but still its showing error