softwareCobbler / luceedebug

line debugger for lucee
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Setup in Windows/Tomcat #38

Open ASKemp opened 1 year ago

ASKemp commented 1 year ago

Forgive my ignorance. What's the setup for Windows/Tomcat with regards the setenv file?

Is this an equivalent setenv.bat file for Windows, e.g. C:\lucee\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat ?

If so, what are the corresponding bat file commands as opposed to those for a sh file ?

ChatGPT informs me it's:

set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:9999" set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:C:\abspath\to\luceedebug.jar=jdwpHost=localhost,jdwpPort=9999,debugHost=,debugPort=10000,jarPath=C:\abspath\to\luceedebug.jar"

Is this correct?

EDIT: Guess not since I'm running Tomcat as a Windows service and from what I've read this isn't the way to go. Some additional documentation/guidance on setup would be appreciated.

anderslars commented 1 year ago

FWIW I'm running Windows with Tomcat (commandbox) and am using this in my server.json "jvm":{ "args":[ "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=", "-javaagent:c:\xxxxxx\luceedebug.jar=jdwpHost=,jdwpPort=9999,debugHost=localhost,debugPort=10000,jarPath=c:\xxxxxx\luceedebug.jar" ], "javaVersion":"openjdk11_jdk" }

softwareCobbler commented 1 year ago

for windows, it ought to be the path to tomcat's bin, and then a file named setenv.bat

REM this file is c:\foo\bar\whatever\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat
set LDJAR=c:\Users\path\to\luceedebug.jar
set CATALINA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:9999 -javaagent:%LDJAR%=jdwpHost=localhost,jdwpPort=9999,cfHost=,cfPort=10000,jarPath=%LDJAR%
ASKemp commented 1 year ago

for windows, it ought to be the path to tomcat's bin, and then a file named setenv.bat

REM this file is c:\foo\bar\whatever\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat
set LDJAR=c:\Users\path\to\luceedebug.jar
set CATALINA_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:9999 -javaagent:%LDJAR%=jdwpHost=localhost,jdwpPort=9999,cfHost=,cfPort=10000,jarPath=%LDJAR%

I think if you run Tomcat as a Windows service then the setenv.bat file is ignored.

ASKemp commented 1 year ago

Still unable to get this to work. We run a number of Lucee instances under Tomcat as a service on Windows. Tried settings in setenv.bat, catalina.bat, startup.bat, adding to the Java options of the individual instance service control - all without luck,

The instance service control panel seems the best option so far. My existing options are:-

-Dcatalina.home=c:\lucee\tomcat -Dcatalina.base=c:\lucee\tomcat\instances{myInstance} -Dignore.endorsed.dirs=c:\lucee\tomcat\endorsed\lucee\tomcat\instances{myInstance}\temp -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=c:\lucee\tomcat\instances{myInstance}\conf\

Adding to the end... -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:7999

Allows the service to startup and I see port 7999 (trying to use 7999 and 8000 since 9999 is already in use) spring into life using CurrPorts tool as attached to a tomcat9.exe process.

If I then add the second part as... -javaagent:C:\luceedebug\luceedebug\build\libs\luceedebug.jar=jdwpHost=localhost,jdwpPort=7999,cfHost=,cfPort=8000,jarPath=C:\luceedebug\luceedebug\build\libs\luceedebug.jar

...then the service starts but then stops, so must be something with the format or values of this part. Tried, localhost and for cfHost values, same result.

zspitzer commented 1 year ago

If it stops, there must be error logs in the tomcat log directory?

carehart commented 1 year ago

@ASKemp Try changing the path separators in the javaagent arg (both paths, and all the slashes) from \ to either / or \, which is often called for when using Java on Windows.

I'm just offering this as a suggestion, not saying I've confirmed it (as I'm on a phone as I read this). Can you confirm trying it, even if somehow it "doesn't work"? Thx.

carehart commented 3 months ago

@ASKemp how did things finally resolve? Or did they not, for you?