softwareconstruction240 / autograder

Autograder for BYU's CS 240 Chess project
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318 Use Grafana Loki for logging #319

Closed pawlh closed 2 months ago

pawlh commented 2 months ago

This is the one you've all been waiting for

This PR swaps out log4j with logback, a more modern logging implementation.

Logging channels


Console logging to stdout at INFO level


Rolling logs at WARN level, rolls at midnight each day

Grafana Loki

This is the cool one. Loki receives and stores INFO levels and displays them using Grafana, which for now will be hosted at

Settings up for local development

To run Loki locally, you can use the new loki-compose.yml file with Docker Compose: docker compose -f loki-compose.yml up -d and access it at http://localhost:3000

This PR removes the need for modifying VM options.