softwarecurator / svelte-wagmi

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wallets missing from web3modal #19

Open shot-codes opened 1 month ago

shot-codes commented 1 month ago

I only have my installed wallets listed in web3modal. How can I configure what is shown in the web3modal? I would like to support the new coinbase smart wallet. Furthermore I would like to remove the email field.

Incognito without any browser extensions: 2024-06-11-095849_hyprshot

With metamask and rainbowkit 2024-06-11-095903_hyprshot

softwarecurator commented 1 month ago

this now updated in 1.0.7

shot-codes commented 1 month ago

While the email field is now missing, it is still missing the all wallets option.

softwarecurator commented 1 month ago

you must now pass the authConnector now yourself, with the other issue do you have a repo I can look at to replicate your issue?

shot-codes commented 1 month ago

softwarecurator commented 1 month ago

in createConfig you must pass connectors you want to use

    import { defaultConfig } from 'svelte-wagmi';
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    import { PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID, PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_ID } from '$env/static/public';
    import { injected } from '@wagmi/connectors';
        import { authConnector } from '@web3modal/wagmi'

    onMount(async () => {
        const erckit = defaultConfig({
            appName: 'erc.kit',
            walletConnectProjectId: PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID,
            alchemyId: PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_ID,
            connectors: [injected(), authConnector({ chains, options: { projectId: PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID }, email: true, socials: ['google', 'x', 'github', 'discord', 'apple'] })]

    await erckit.init();