softwaremill / elasticmq

In-memory message queue with an Amazon SQS-compatible interface. Runs stand-alone or embedded.
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Cannot create Queue with AWS SDK. #983

Closed adamZakar closed 2 months ago

adamZakar commented 3 months ago


We are using aws sdk 2.0. with the following setup:

  static {
   int port = SQSRestServerBuilder.withDynamicPort().start().waitUntilStarted().localAddress().getPort();
    public SqsClient provideSqsClient() {
        AwsCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider =
            StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create("1234", "1234"));
        return SqsClient.builder()
            .endpointOverride(URI.create(format("http://localhost:%d", port))).build();
    public String provideSqsDependencyDeploymentUrl(SqsClient sqsClient) {
        return sqsClient.createQueue(builder -> builder.queueName("test")).queueUrl();

It used to work but recently it's been failing with Caused by: Service returned HTTP status code 400 (Service: Sqs, Status Code: 400, Request ID: null). Any idea why it is failing?

micossow commented 3 months ago

@adamZakar are you sure that a queue test did not exist at the moment the code was running? Can you attach logs from ElasticMQ?

deepkimchi commented 2 months ago

We are encountering a similar issue. I am uncertain if this is an AWS SDK issue or Elasticmq issue. I am using the following setup for the SQS client and have started receiving a 400 error after upgrading the AWS SDK v2 version from 2.21 to 2.25.18.

                    .putHeader("Host", "localhost:9324")
micossow commented 2 months ago

@deepkimchi I can't reproduce the issue with the following steps:

  1. Start the latest ElasticMQ version (1.5.8) via docker:
    docker run -p 9324:9324 --rm softwaremill/elasticmq-native
  2. Setup SQS client using AWS SDK 2.25.18 using your code
  3. Create queue:

    And it works. Any idea what's missing?

adamZakar commented 2 months ago

Only logs that's are related to ElasticMQ.

16:39:51.374 [] INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started 16:39:51.878 [] INFO - Started SQS rest server, bind address :60435, visible server address http://localhost:60435

We use the in memory version of it. Can you try to initiate the client the way we did it?

We are using this version of elastic mq: we are using the latest version of AWS SDK 2.0

micossow commented 2 months ago

Version 1.2.1 does not support AWS SDK 2.0. Please upgrade to latest.

adamZakar commented 2 months ago

It solved the issue thanks. closing the ticket.