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zio-http interpreter: the server logic pattern doesn't work with a list of endpoints #1389

Closed ithinkicancode closed 3 years ago

ithinkicancode commented 3 years ago

Tapir version: 0.18.1

Scala version: 2.13.6

When using zServerLogic and toHttp pattern, if a list of endpoints are passed to toHttp, then the endpoint doesn't respond as if the resource is not defined (404-NotFound).

How to reproduce? The example shown in If petServerEndpoint is actually used in the httpApp, then hitting the endpoint would return 404. Once the List is removed at line #34 ( then it will work. However, passing a list to toHttp is supported and it should be supported as there is a use class for that.

Will provide an example to reproduce.

adamw commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure I understand - when I run ZioExampleZioHttpServer (as in the repository, with a List) - I get a correct response when hitting the endpoint (curl localhost:8080/pet/35), not a 404.

adamw commented 3 years ago

I think this might be fixed by #1388 - indeed there was a problem with multiple endpoints.

adamw commented 3 years ago

Fixed by #1388

ithinkicancode commented 3 years ago

The following snippet should demonstrate the issues with zio-http interpreter:

import sttp.tapir.server.ziohttp.ZioHttpInterpreter
import sttp.tapir.ztapir._
import zhttp.service.{ ChannelFactory, EventLoopGroup, Server }
import zio.{ App, ExitCode, URIO, ZEnv, ZIO }
import zio.console.putStrLn

object HttpServer extends App {

  private val port = 8080
  private val requirements = ++

  private val helloEndpoint = endpoint
    .zServerLogic[Any] { name =>
      ZIO.succeed(s"Hello $name")

  private val baseStatusEndpoint ="status")

  private val statusHeadEndpoint = baseStatusEndpoint
    .zServerLogic[Any] { _ => ZIO.unit }

  private val statusGetEndpoint = baseStatusEndpoint
    .zServerLogic[Any] { _ => ZIO.succeed("Healthy") }

  private val httpApp = 
    ZioHttpInterpreter().toHttp(helloEndpoint) <>
    ZioHttpInterpreter().toHttp(statusHeadEndpoint) <>

  override def run(notUsed: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
    val app = for {
      server <- Server.start(port, httpApp)
      _ <- putStrLn(s"Web server is running at $port...")
    } yield server


I have these dependencies:

"dev.zio" %% "zio" % "1.0.10",
"io.d11" %% "zhttp" % "1.0.0-RC17",
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-core" % tapirVersion,
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-zio-http" % tapirVersion

With tapirVersion set to 0.18.1, the snippet compiles. However, if tapirVersion is set to 0.19.0-M4, the compilation fails, complaining about overloaded method toHttp with alternatives... cannot be applied to.... Basically the signature doesn't fit any toHttp overloading variants. You can see the error at

The second problem is, with tapirVersion set to 0.18.1, update the snippet with this change:

  private val httpApp = 

The code compiles, however, when you run the code, none of the endpoints responds - more accurately all return 404-NotFound.

adamw commented 3 years ago

As for tapir 0.18.x, I don't think the fix has been backported, so that's why it doesn't work.

As for tapir 0.19, the ZTapir integration now has websockets & streams in the required capabilities, so the interpreter must support these. This is the case for the http4s-zio one, but the zio-http interpreter doesn't support websockets (there was a bug in zio-http, which is now fixed, but there hasn't been a new release for a long time, so I think adding websocket support to this interpreter is still not possible). So you'll have to use "normal" .serverLogic to make this work:

import sttp.tapir.server.ziohttp.ZioHttpInterpreter
import sttp.tapir.ztapir._
import zhttp.service.{ChannelFactory, EventLoopGroup, Server}
import zio.{App, ExitCode, RIO, URIO, ZEnv, ZIO}
import zio.console.putStrLn

object HttpServer extends App {

  private val port = 8080
  private val requirements = ++

  private val helloEndpoint = endpoint
    .serverLogic[RIO[Any, *]] { name =>
      ZIO.succeed(Right(s"Hello $name"))

  private val baseStatusEndpoint ="status")

  private val statusHeadEndpoint = baseStatusEndpoint
    .serverLogic[RIO[Any, *]] { _ => }

  private val statusGetEndpoint = baseStatusEndpoint
    .serverLogic[RIO[Any, *]] { _ => ZIO.succeed("Healthy").map(Right(_)) }

  private val httpApp =
    ZioHttpInterpreter().toHttp(helloEndpoint) <>
      ZioHttpInterpreter().toHttp(statusHeadEndpoint) <>

  override def run(notUsed: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
    val app = for {
      server <- Server.start(port, httpApp)
      _ <- putStrLn(s"Web server is running at $port...")
    } yield server


Note that you can also do simply:

ZioHttpInterpreter().toHttp(List(helloEndpoint, statusHeadEndpoint, statusGetEndpoint))
ithinkicancode commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, Adam. I'll apply the change later today.

ithinkicancode commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the explanation, Adam. By switching to serverLogic, I was able to fix the issues. I hope zio-http will have a new release soon and we can return to using zServerLogic to remove some boilerplate.

And yes, I can confirm passing a List[ServerEndpoint[...]] to toHttp works in 0.19. However, I've found that you can only group endpoints that have the same R. If you want to compose endpoints with different R parameters, you'd have to use the <> combinator to compose the routes together. Luckily, for my case, the <> combinator composes well.

adamw commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, for adjusting the R there's a .widen extension function which extends the environment to a common type. This is unfortunately needed as we need a single effect type.

Interpreting a list of endpoints has some benefits, like proper metrics as we can capture the "start-of-processing" time properly.