Closed serhiizapalskyi closed 1 year ago
Can you share the ExploreQueryRequest
data structure, and the way validations are applied to it? Or some simplified version, which would reproduce the issue? I can't get the StackOverflow locally
The structure is a little bit complicated. And I've updated the request and code for this simplified structure.
ApiSection / "query" / path[String]("any")
.serverLogicSuccess(req => Future.successful("Success"))
// **Data structure**
import org.json4s._
case class Request(filter: SimpleFilter)
sealed trait SimpleFilter {
def name: Option[String]
def typeName: String
sealed trait SimpleLeafFilter extends SimpleFilter {
def fieldName: String
case class SimpleEqualsFilter(fieldName: String, value: SimpleLiteral, name: Option[String] = None)
extends SimpleLeafFilter {
override def typeName: String = "equals"
case class SimpleInFilter(fieldName: String, values: List[SimpleLiteral], name: Option[String] = None)
extends SimpleLeafFilter {
override def typeName: String = "in"
case class SimpleAndFilter(filters: List[SimpleFilter], name: Option[String] = None) extends SimpleBinaryFilter {
override def typeName: String = "and"
sealed trait SimpleBinaryFilter extends SimpleFilter {
val filters: List[SimpleFilter]
sealed trait SimpleLiteral
sealed trait SimpleNumericLiteral extends SimpleLiteral
case class Integer(value: Long) extends SimpleNumericLiteral
case class Float(value: Double) extends SimpleNumericLiteral
case class Text(value: String) extends SimpleLiteral
case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends SimpleLiteral
case class GenericArray(values: Vector[SimpleLiteral]) extends SimpleLiteral
case object Null extends SimpleLiteral
/** Implementation of parsing for in-house filter expression language.
* This filter expression language is heavily influenced by
case object SimpleFilterParser {
private def literalConverter(jVal: JValue): SimpleLiteral = {
jVal match {
case JString(s) => Text(s)
case JInt(i) => Integer(i.toLong)
case JLong(l) => Integer(l)
case JBool(b) => Bool(b)
case JDouble(d) => Float(d)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Don't know how to parse $jVal")
def parse(filterExpr: JValue): SimpleFilter = {
val name = filterExpr \ "name" match {
case JString(s) => Some(s)
case JNothing | _ => None
val fieldOpt = (filterExpr \ "field") match {
case JString(f) => Some(f)
case _ => None
(filterExpr \ "type").asInstanceOf[JString].s match {
case "in" =>
val array = (filterExpr \ "values1").asInstanceOf[JArray].arr
val values =
val field = fieldOpt.get
SimpleInFilter(field, values, name)
case "equals" =>
val field = fieldOpt.get
val value = filterExpr \ "value1"
SimpleEqualsFilter(field, literalConverter(value), name)
case "and" =>
val subFilters = (filterExpr \ "filters1").asInstanceOf[JArray]
SimpleAndFilter( => parse(f.asInstanceOf[JObject])), name)
case x =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Couldn't parse filter of type $x")
object SimpleFilterSerializer
extends CustomSerializer[SimpleFilter](_ =>
( {
case jv: JValue =>
}, {
case x: SimpleFilter =>
implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats.preservingEmptyValues + SimpleFilterSerializer
By the way, we've found the workaround.
If I add the code below (in addition to import I don't get StackOverflowError
implicit def filterSchema: Schema[SimpleFilter] = Schema.derived[SimpleFilter]
implicit def literalSchema: Schema[SimpleLiteral] = Schema.derived[SimpleLiteral]
implicit def textSchema: Schema[Text] = Schema.derived[Text]
Thanks for the work-around, this hints at sth with Magnolia, but then the number of elements also matters. I've so far minimized this to:
object X extends App {
case class SimpleInFilter(values: List[SimpleLiteral])
sealed trait SimpleLiteral
sealed trait SimpleNumericLiteral extends SimpleLiteral
case class Text(value: String) extends SimpleLiteral
case class GenericArray(values: Vector[SimpleLiteral]) extends SimpleLiteral
import sttp.tapir._
println(implicitly[Schema[SimpleInFilter]].applyValidation(SimpleInFilter((1 to 1000).map(i => Text(s"a$i")).toList)))
It does seem to be an issue with Magnolia's derivation, and with the mixed types of collections. If there's only Vector
s, or only List
s, then the schemas are derived correctly, and there's no stack overflow.
So this turns out to be an issue with the combination of the following:
mechanism which allows customising derived schemasList[SimpleLiteral]
in the parent, and a recursive Vector[SimpleLiteral]
this causes problems with caching the intermediate results, so that they can be reused in the recursive calls. I'm not sure if a fix is possible, given Scala 2's macro+implicits interactions, and if so, it would be quite hard to arrive at.
So instead I'm going to suggest the work-arounds (mostly mentioned above):
, or List[SimpleLiteral]
, but not both)Thank you @adamw
Tapir version: 1.8.2
Scala version: 2.13.11
Json4s version: 4.0.6
Hello, guys, could you please help? I'm getting StackOverflowError when processing request body containing JSON payload with big array containing 2000+ Strings
I've tried with different tapir, sttp and json4s versions, behavior is the same.
How to reproduce? Here is a code of simple endpoint. Request is attached. Stacktrace is attached.
endpoint .in( ApiSection / "path" / path[String]("any") ) .in(jsonBody[ExploreQueryRequest].examples(documentation.queryDatasource.inExamples)) .in(applicationJson) .post .out(stringBody) .serverLogicSuccess(_ => Future.successful("Hello world"))
When changing line
error doesn't occurrequest.json stacktrace.txt
Thank you in advance! Best regards, Serhii Zapalskyi