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Streaming example for http4s and fs2 #367

Closed twr143 closed 4 years ago

twr143 commented 4 years ago

I've had a look at the streaming example for Akka , could you provide analogous example for streamBody for http4s and fs2 streams? Updated: not monix stream but fs2.

twr143 commented 4 years ago

elaborated by myself downloading file as an fs2 stream, feel free to correct me in any case

  import fs2._
  private val streamingEndpoint = baseEndpoint.get
    .in(HutsPath / "stream")
    .out(streamBody[EntityBody[Task]](schemaFor[Byte], CodecFormat.OctetStream()))
    .serverLogic[Task] {
    _ =>
      Stream.emit(List[Char]('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')).repeat.flatMap(list => Stream.chunk(Chunk.seq(list)))
        .map(s => ("attachment; filename=resp-stream-file.txt", s)).toOut
twr143 commented 4 years ago

for partial content the following endpoint might help

  private val streamingEndpoint = baseEndpoint.get
    .in(HutsPath / "stream")
    .out(streamBody[EntityBody[Task]](schemaFor[Byte], CodecFormat.TextPlain()))
    .serverLogic[Task] {
    _ =>
      val size = 100
      (for {
        r <- Stream.emit(List[Char]('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')).
          repeat.flatMap(list => Stream.chunk(Chunk.seq(list))).metered[Task](100.millis)
          .onFinalize(Task(logger.warn("stream finalized")))
          .map(s => ("bytes", s"bytes 0-$size/$size", s"$size", sttp.model.StatusCode.unsafeApply(206), s))
        _ <-"task finished working"))
      } yield r).toOut
adamw commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I've added a simplified example to the sources