We should get the ball rolling on this again. We have a mailchimp account we can use.
If we keep the newsletters short, they won't be much work and we should be able to produce them quickly (e.g. at coworking). We can just focus on the upcoming events, unless there's something else that's important to mention. Or we can even automate newsletters by having mailchimp watch an RSS feed (I believe that's one of their features).
We should get the ball rolling on this again. We have a mailchimp account we can use.
If we keep the newsletters short, they won't be much work and we should be able to produce them quickly (e.g. at coworking). We can just focus on the upcoming events, unless there's something else that's important to mention. Or we can even automate newsletters by having mailchimp watch an RSS feed (I believe that's one of their features).