softwaresaved / fuji

FAIRsFAIR Research Data Object Assessment Service
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[Feature]: [FRSM-07] Does the software metadata include the identifier for the software? #8

Open karacolada opened 7 months ago

karacolada commented 7 months ago

D5.2 p16+p26

Detailed Description

Software should include its identifier to make it easier to be cited and indexed.

Domain-agnostic comments

There are several common places for identifier metadata to be found, including README files, CodeMeta or CFF files. The choice of location may depend on community standards.

CESSDA comments

The Zenodo DOI representing all versions will always resolve to the latest version in Zenodo.

CESSDA uses Citation File Format, which can include a reference to the software identifier.


F3: Metadata clearly and explicitly include the identifier of the software they describe. R3: Software meets domain-relevant community standards.

Possible Implementation


requirements software source code, software identifier
method Check if the software includes its own software identifier, and that the identifier resolves to that software.
essential Does the software include an identifier in the README or citation file?
important Does the identifier resolve to the same instance of the software?
useful n/a


requirements software source code
method Check that README and CITATION files exist and include the DOI for the corresponding software release.
essential The README file includes the DOI that represents all versions in Zenodo.
important The CITATION.cff file included in the root of the repository includes the appropriate DOI for the corresponding software release in Zenodo.
useful n/a
karacolada commented 1 month ago

Extend evaluator for inclusion of data identifier: