softwaresaved / web-classifier-issues

Secondary repository to capture issues with the job advert web classifier. Contact: @steve-crouch
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Counter isn't working #3

Closed mjsandells closed 7 years ago

mjsandells commented 8 years ago

I have no idea how many jobs I classified. The counter was stuck at zero.

mjsandells commented 8 years ago

Logging back in there is no counter at all.

drmarkwslater commented 8 years ago

Just for info: not sure if this has been fixed or it's a browser issue but I've just done my 10 using Chrome on a Mac and the counter was present and correct for the whole time.

SimonHettrick commented 7 years ago

There's something funny going on here. We need to get in touch with @stoneflower0 to get more information about why the jobs counter is not increasing (or even appearing). @simonhettrick has sent an email to @stoneflower0, then @steve-crouch will investigate.

SimonHettrick commented 7 years ago

@steve-crouch is earning his crust. There's a max value on the email string length of 30 in the database. When the classification comes in from a user, it matches the email address and then records the classification. @stoneflower0 has an email address of 34 characters. This means that the algorithm is trying to match an email address to a truncated email address, this fails and the classification isn't logged.

@steve-crouch will fix the email length problem. Fortunately, the only thing that's contingent on email match is the counter and the matching of jobs that @stoneflower0 hasn't seen before (which could explain issue #5 too), so all of @stoneflower0 's classifications are stored and can be retrieved.

When @stoneflower0 gets back to our earlier email, we'll check that all her classifications were real (i.e. that when the counter didn't work, that she didn't try a few random classifications to investigate if the classifier was working). We'll also ask her to do a few extra classifications just to check that it works once @steve-crouch has made the necessary changes.

steve-crouch commented 7 years ago

This should now be fixed, and as suspected, the truncated user email was the cause of issue #5 as well which should also be resolved. Since only @stoneflower0 's email was longer than 30 characters, they would have been the only one to see this issue, which explains why @drmarkwslater never encountered this issue.

@stoneflower0 - if you could log back in, you should see your counter is now visible and should increase as you submit more classifications. Could you verify when you have a moment?

mjsandells commented 7 years ago

counter visible - it had logged 11 jobs from previous (felt like more...). Continued the count, now classified 20. Working as expected.

steve-crouch commented 7 years ago

Excellent - thank you! Closing issue.