softwarespartan / IB4m

Interactive Brokers API for Matlab
GNU General Public License v2.0
62 stars 21 forks source link

accessing contract details data from request #10

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

%EDIT of course there are other workarounds like downloading a year of daily data to get the exact dates. %EDIT Hey,

thx Abel for this tool and redirecting

my Q here,

I tested the instructions to get contract details on this page:

As shown on that page the contract details do get printed on the command line. Now - My problem is that I can not get my hands specific variables.

But this is not an issue but maybe rather my limited knowledge on classes in java.

For example I wrote a script to download 1 min data and combine them. Since IB also offers historical data for already expired futures contracts it would be handy to limit the dates for a historical data request to the last trading date.

For now I found a work around with a 5x1 "moving" boleans which break the request-for loop. 5 x no data in a row --> move to next contract.

Since some requests result in an error anyway I have three more script to

  1. identify missing data
  2. try a second download for them 3 weld the data with previously downloaded data Will post them as well

Attached: m-File with Code ( better formatting than here)

Here is the code I use. Pls don't pick on me on variable names xD %================================================

%% Building an 1 min database for an underlying % credit to Abel Braun - publisher of IB4m

% add TWS.jar cd('E:\MatlabFunktionen\softwarespartan-IB4m-aff30d8'); javaaddpath(fullfile(pwd,'Jar','TWS.jar'));

%% initialize session with TWS session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

%% connect to TWS session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0); pause(0.5);

%% Create datevector for downloads

% no Quote booster var 365d 1y % See " Download Limitation in IB API reference for details var=365; dtFutures=busdays(round(now()-var),round(now())); dtFutures=datestr(dtFutures,'yyyymmdd');

% IB seems to use usertime instead of exchange time % 23:00:00 is the closing time for Central Europe % dtFutures=[dtFutures,repmat(' 23:00:00',numel(dtFutures(:,1)),1)];

% create CME codes in this case for crude oil mainunderlying="CL"; mc={'F','G','H','J','K','M','N','Q','U','V','X','Z'}; %CME Month Codes m={'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12'}; % Months

%this one is tricky since and depends on the amount of % quote boosters / comissions % and the underlying ( for Crude Oil currently (08.07.2017) CLZ"2025" startD=2016; endD=2025;

delta=(endD-startD); Esymbols=cell(delta,1);

for i= 0:delta-1 for y=1:12 Esymbols{y+i*12}=[num2str(startD+i),m{y}]; end end clear startD endD delta i y %% % delete undownloadadable futures (expired 1y ago and earlier) % depends on your quote boosters / comissions

oneyago=round(now())-365+30; oneyagoS=datenum(Esymbols,'yyyymm'); helper=oneyagoS(oneyagoS>oneyago,1); helper=datestr(helper,'yyyymm'); Esymbols=cellstr(helper);

clear helper oneyago onyagoS

%% Mainloop for omikron=1:numel(Esymbols)

% direcotry where IB4M was added
% might be unessacary

%my standard name for structs 
disp([num2str(omikron),' / ', num2str(numel(Esymbols)),...
    ' ',Esymbols{omikron},' ' datestr(now(),'HH:MM:SS')]); 

%% create an  contract and initialize it for crude oil

for contractwrapper=1

contract = com.ib.client.Contract(); contract.m_symbol = mainunderlying ; % String oder Char? contract.m_secType = 'FUT' ; contract.m_exchange = 'NYMEX'; contract.m_currency = 'USD' ; contract.m_expiry=Esymbols{omikron};
contract.m_includeExpired =true;

% pacing info

% Duration Allowed Bar Sizes % 60 S 1 secs - 1 mins % 120 S 1 secs - 2 mins % 1800 S (30 mins) 1 secs - 30 mins % 3600 S (1 hr) 5 secs - 1 hr % 14400 S (4hr) 10 secs - 3 hrs % 28800 S (8 hrs) 30 secs - 8 hrs % 1 D 1 min - 1 day % 2 D 2 mins - 1 day % 1 W 3 mins - 1 week % 1 M 30 mins - 1 month % 1 Y 1 day - 1 month

% posobility to ask for more datatyps, see table below % simplification: only trades datatypeS={"TRADES",... "MIDPONT",... "BID",... "ASK",... "BID_ASK",... "HISTORICAL_VOLATILITY",... "OPTION_IMPLIED_VOLATILITY"};


% MIDPOINT BID_ASK % Product TRADES | BID ASK | HV IV % Stocks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Commodities N Y Y Y Y N N % Options Y Y Y Y Y N N % Futures Y Y Y Y Y N N % FOPs Y Y Y Y Y N N % ETFs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Warrants Y Y Y Y Y N N % Structured Y Y Y Y Y N N % SSFs Y Y Y Y Y N N % Forex N Y Y Y Y N N % Metals Y Y Y Y Y N N % Indices Y N N N N Y Y % Bonds Y Y Y Y Y N N % Funds N Y Y Y Y N N % CFDs* N Y Y Y Y N N end %contractwrapper % Get contract Details %

% % Create Buffer for contract Details % [buf2,lh2] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.CONTRACTDETAILS); %
% % request contract details % session.eClientSocket.reqContractDetails(0,contract); % pause(1); %
% % copy contract details % cdtls= buf2.get().data;
% pause(0.5); % WTF NOW ? -.-'

% error count - exit if 5x false erc=true(5,1);

for vega=1 %wrapper or var for different data types for i=1:numel(dtFutures(:,1))

% error count - exit if 5x false
if sum(erc)==0


%% create local buffer for historical data events [buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.HISTORICALDATA); pause(1) %% Request data disp([Esymbols{omikron},' ',dtFutures(i,1:end)]); % contract % time for last candle % how much data (see pacing info above) % granularity ( see pacing info above= % datatype TRADES BID ASK ect.. % 0 include date out of RTH | 1 only RTH % don't know % don't know

        '1 D',...
        '1 min',...

%% Retreive the historical data event from the buffer

% depending on your connection to IB servers and machine % I set the pause for 3 seconds to reduce errors pause(3); try hde = buf.get(); catch % try a second time and disp the error to command line disp('Buffer error'); pause(3) hde = buf.get(); end %% Convert the HashSet into more native cell array of bars

bars = collection2cell(;

%% Extract close and volume info from each bar

open= cellfun(@(b),bars); high = cellfun(@(b)b.high,bars); low = cellfun(@(b)b.low,bars); close = cellfun(@(b)b.close,bars); volume = cellfun(@(b)b.volume,bars);

%% Convert the string time of the bars to matlab datenum dt = datenum(cellfun(@(b)char(b.dtstr),bars,'UniformOutput',false),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');

% The bars might not be in order once extracted from the HashSet [~,indx] = sort(dt);

% Concatenate exisisting and new data for contwrapper=1

    if i==1 %wirst request

    else % next requests

        % check if prices struct exists
        % in case first request resultet in an error
        fn= fieldnames(savezone);

        if pcheck== true % Data DOES exist


        else % Data does NOT exist


   % moving Error counter
   % copy results frin last 4 attempts
   % and write a true if succeeded.....or

end % contwrapper catch

      % and write a false if failed
      disp('error trying to download day'); 


clear buf lh hde bars open high low close volume ans

end % for i daycount end % vega

%% Saving downloaded data

for savewrapper=1 % cd to folder with data % change if you want cd('E:\Markets\prices\Futures\'); a=exist(char(mainunderlying),'dir');

    % Check if subfolder for Underlying exists
 if a~=7

% Switch to directory of underlying and save try cd(char(mainunderlying)); % Underlying | Contractmonth and Year | free... save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); catch disp("folder Error"); pause(2); % second attempt mkdir(char(mainunderlying)); cd(char(mainunderlying)); save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); end end %savewrapper disp('error trying to download day');

end % omikron clear

softwarespartan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reaching out. Apologies, for delay in getting back to you.

First you can use the script below for grabbing historical data. I need to add it to the repository. Here is the link

You can also subscribe to “market bar data” which is every 5 seconds.

I just create a listener that consolidates the 5 second market bar data and then publishes a new bar to all the listeners at whatever desired frequency.

BTW, you code looks great — well done!

Regarding accessing the fields of an object, you can always ask for “fields” and “methods”

For example:

When you create an order object in matlab.

order = com.tws.OrderFactory.GenericLimitOrder('DU207406', 'BUY', 100, 198.5);

See the IB docs on com.ib.client.Order for more info on each order property.

Then use the matlab function “fieldnames()” to get a list of order properties.


ans =


Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything additional. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing variables etc. I can send more examples.

Cheers -abel

function [s,bars] = (contract,dt,config)

% some randome number for unique request id r = round(rand*10000);

% get TWS session session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

% connect the session to TWS running instance session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0);

% create local buffer for historical data events [buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.HISTORICALDATA);

% loop over number of requests for i = 1:config.N

% create unique id
requestId = r+100000+i;

% compute the end time of the request
%endDateTime = datestr(*(i-1),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');
endDateTime = datestr(*(i-1),'yyyymmdd 16:00:00');

% make the request for data
session.eClientSocket.reqHistoricalData(  ...
    requestId         ,...
    contract          ,...
    endDateTime       ,...
    config.duration   ,...
    config.barsize    ,...
    config.whatToShow ,...
    config.useRTH     ,...
    1                 ,...
    []                 ...



% wait around for the data pause(10);

% init hde hde = cell(1,buf.size);

% Retreive the historical data event from the buffer for i = 1:buf.size; hde{i} = buf.get(); buf.remove(); end

% Convert the HashSet into more native cell array of bars bars = {}; for i = 1:numel(hde); bars = [bars; collection2cell(hde{i}.data)]; end %#ok

% Extract close and high low ave info from each bar` close = cellfun(@(b)b.close ,bars);
vol = cellfun(@(b)b.volume,bars);
high = cellfun(@(b)b.high ,bars);
low = cellfun(@(b)b.low ,bars);
open = cellfun(@(b) ,bars); wap = cellfun(@(b)b.wap ,bars); count = cellfun(@(b)b.count ,bars); hla = cellfun(@(b)(b.high+b.low)/2,bars);

% Convert the string time of the bars to matlab datenum dt = datenum(cellfun(@(b)char(b.dtstr),bars,'UniformOutput',false),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');

% The bars might not be in order once extracted from the HashSet [~,indx] = sort(dt);

% sort time stamps and get unique dt = dt(indx); [~,uix] = unique(dt);

% sort and assign s.dt = dt (uix); close = close(indx); s.close = close(uix); hla = hla (indx); s.hla = hla (uix); high = high (indx); s.high = high (uix);
low = low (indx); s.low = low (uix);
open = open (indx); = open (uix); vol = vol (indx); s.volume = vol (uix); wap = wap (indx); s.wap = wap (uix); count = count(indx); s.count = count(uix);

% sort the bars bars = bars(indx); bars = bars(uix);

% clean up listener handle cellfun(@(l)delete(l),lh);

On Jul 8, 2017, at 5:10 PM, ivs17 wrote:


thx Abel for this tool and redirecting

my Q here,

I tested the instructions to get contract details on this page: As shown on that page the contract details do get printed on the command line. Now - My problem is that I can not get my hands specific variables.

But this is not an issue but maybe rather my limited knowledge on classes in java.

For example I wrote a script to download 1 min data and combine them. Since IB also offers historical data for already expired futures contracts it would be handy to limit the dates for a historical data request to the last trading date.

For now I found a work around with a 5x1 "moving" boleans which break the request-for loop. 5 x no data in a row --> move to next contract.

Since some requests result in an error anyway I have three more script to

identify missing data try a second download for them 3 weld the data with previously downloaded data Will post them as well Attached: m-File with Code ( better formatting than here) Here is the code I use. Pls don't pick on me on variable names xD %================================================

%% Building an 1 min database for an underlying % credit to Abel Braun - publisher of IB4m

% add TWS.jar cd('E:\MatlabFunktionen\softwarespartan-IB4m-aff30d8'); javaaddpath(fullfile(pwd,'Jar','TWS.jar'));

%% initialize session with TWS session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

%% connect to TWS session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0); pause(0.5);

%% Create datevector for downloads

% no Quote booster var 365d 1y % See " Download Limitation in IB API reference for details var=365; dtFutures=busdays(round(now()-var),round(now())); dtFutures=datestr(dtFutures,'yyyymmdd');

% IB seems to use usertime instead of exchange time % 23:00:00 is the closing time for Central Europe % dtFutures=[dtFutures,repmat(' 23:00:00',numel(dtFutures(:,1)),1)];

% create CME codes in this case for crude oil mainunderlying="CL"; mc={'F','G','H','J','K','M','N','Q','U','V','X','Z'}; %CME Month Codes m={'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12'}; % Months

%this one is tricky since and depends on the amount of % quote boosters / comissions % and the underlying ( for Crude Oil currently (08.07.2017) CLZ"2025" startD=2016; endD=2025;

delta=(endD-startD); Esymbols=cell(delta,1);

for i= 0:delta-1 for y=1:12 Esymbols{y+i*12}=[num2str(startD+i),m{y}]; end end clear startD endD delta i y %% % delete undownloadadable futures (expired 1y ago and earlier) % depends on your quote boosters / comissions

oneyago=round(now())-365+30; oneyagoS=datenum(Esymbols,'yyyymm'); helper=oneyagoS(oneyagoS>oneyago,1); helper=datestr(helper,'yyyymm'); Esymbols=cellstr(helper);

clear helper oneyago onyagoS

%% Mainloop for omikron=1:numel(Esymbols)

% direcotry where IB4M was added % might be unessacary cd('E:\MatlabFunktionen\softwarespartan-IB4m-aff30d8');

%my standard name for structs savezone=struct(); disp([num2str(omikron),' / ', num2str(numel(Esymbols)),... ' ',Esymbols{omikron},' ' datestr(now(),'HH:MM:SS')]);

%% create an contract and initialize it for crude oil for contractwrapper=1

contract = com.ib.client.Contract(); contract.m_symbol = mainunderlying ; % String oder Char? contract.m_secType = 'FUT' ; contract.m_exchange = 'NYMEX'; contract.m_currency = 'USD' ; contract.m_expiry=Esymbols{omikron}; contract.m_includeExpired =true;

% pacing info

% Duration Allowed Bar Sizes % 60 S 1 secs - 1 mins % 120 S 1 secs - 2 mins % 1800 S (30 mins) 1 secs - 30 mins % 3600 S (1 hr) 5 secs - 1 hr % 14400 S (4hr) 10 secs - 3 hrs % 28800 S (8 hrs) 30 secs - 8 hrs % 1 D 1 min - 1 day % 2 D 2 mins - 1 day % 1 W 3 mins - 1 week % 1 M 30 mins - 1 month % 1 Y 1 day - 1 month

% posobility to ask for more datatyps, see table below % simplification: only trades datatypeS={"TRADES",... "MIDPONT",... "BID",... "ASK",... "BID_ASK",... "HISTORICAL_VOLATILITY",... "OPTION_IMPLIED_VOLATILITY"};


% MIDPOINT BID_ASK % Product TRADES | BID ASK | HV IV % Stocks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Commodities N Y Y Y Y N N % Options Y Y Y Y Y N N % Futures Y Y Y Y Y N N % FOPs Y Y Y Y Y N N % ETFs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Warrants Y Y Y Y Y N N % Structured Y Y Y Y Y N N % SSFs Y Y Y Y Y N N % Forex N Y Y Y Y N N % Metals Y Y Y Y Y N N % Indices Y N N N N Y Y % Bonds Y Y Y Y Y N N % Funds N Y Y Y Y N N % CFDs* N Y Y Y Y N N end %contractwrapper % Get contract Details %

% % Create Buffer for contract Details % [buf2,lh2] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.CONTRACTDETAILS); % % % request contract details % session.eClientSocket.reqContractDetails(0,contract); % pause(1); % % % % copy contract details % cdtls= buf2.get().data; % pause(0.5); % WTF NOW ? -.-'

% error count - exit if 5x false erc=true(5,1);

for vega=1 %wrapper or var for different data types for i=1:numel(dtFutures(:,1))

% error count - exit if 5x false if sum(erc)==0 break end

try %% create local buffer for historical data events [buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.HISTORICALDATA); pause(1) %% Request data disp([Esymbols{omikron},' ',dtFutures(i,1:end)]); % contract % time for last candle % how much data (see pacing info above) % granularity ( see pacing info above= % datatype TRADES BID ASK ect.. % 0 include date out of RTH | 1 only RTH % don't know % don't know

    '1 D',...
    '1 min',...

%% Retreive the historical data event from the buffer

% depending on your connection to IB servers and machine % I set the pause for 3 seconds to reduce errors pause(3); try hde = buf.get(); catch % try a second time and disp the error to command line disp('Buffer error'); pause(3) hde = buf.get(); end %% Convert the HashSet into more native cell array of bars

bars = collection2cell(;

%% Extract close and volume info from each bar

open= cellfun(@(b),bars); high = cellfun(@(b)b.high,bars); low = cellfun(@(b)b.low,bars); close = cellfun(@(b)b.close,bars); volume = cellfun(@(b)b.volume,bars);

%% Convert the string time of the bars to matlab datenum dt = datenum(cellfun(@(b)char(b.dtstr),bars,'UniformOutput',false),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');

% The bars might not be in order once extracted from the HashSet [~,indx] = sort(dt);

% Concatenate exisisting and new data for contwrapper=1

if i==1 %wirst request

else % next requests

    % check if prices struct exists
    % in case first request resultet in an error
    fn= fieldnames(savezone);

    if pcheck== true % Data DOES exist


    else % Data does NOT exist


% moving Error counter % copy results frin last 4 attempts % and write a true if succeeded.....or erc(1:4,1)=erc(2:5,1); erc(5,1)=true; end % contwrapper catch

  % and write a false if failed
  disp('error trying to download day'); 

end clear buf lh hde bars open high low close volume ans

end % for i daycount end % vega

%% Saving downloaded data

for savewrapper=1 % cd to folder with data % change if you want cd('E:\Markets\prices\Futures'); a=exist(char(mainunderlying),'dir');

% Check if subfolder for Underlying exists

if a~=7 mkdir(char(mainunderlying)); end % Switch to directory of underlying and save try cd(char(mainunderlying)); % Underlying | Contractmonth and Year | free... save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); catch disp("folder Error"); pause(2); % second attempt mkdir(char(mainunderlying)); cd(char(mainunderlying)); save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); end end %savewrapper disp('error trying to download day');

end % omikron clear

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softwarespartan commented 7 years ago

Here is example usage for historicalDataQuery

dt = now(); contract = com.tws.ContractFactory.GenericStockContract(symbol); config.symbol = 'NFLX' ; config.duration = '1 Y' ; config.barsize = '1 day' ; config.whatToShow = 'TRADES'; config.useRTH = 1 ; = 365 ; config.N = 3 ; [dat,bars] = historicDataQuery(contract,dt,config);

On Jul 13, 2017, at 9:43 PM, Abel Brown wrote:

Thanks for reaching out. Apologies, for delay in getting back to you.

First you can use the script below for grabbing historical data. I need to add it to the repository. Here is the link

You can also subscribe to “market bar data” which is every 5 seconds.

I just create a listener that consolidates the 5 second market bar data and then publishes a new bar to all the listeners at whatever desired frequency.

BTW, you code looks great — well done!

Regarding accessing the fields of an object, you can always ask for “fields” and “methods”

For example:

When you create an order object in matlab.

order = com.tws.OrderFactory.GenericLimitOrder('DU207406', 'BUY', 100, 198.5);

See the IB docs on com.ib.client.Order for more info on each order property.

Then use the matlab function “fieldnames()” to get a list of order properties.


ans =


Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything additional. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing variables etc. I can send more examples.

Cheers -abel

function [s,bars] = (contract,dt,config)

% some randome number for unique request id r = round(rand*10000);

% get TWS session session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

% connect the session to TWS running instance session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0);

% create local buffer for historical data events [buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.HISTORICALDATA);

% loop over number of requests for i = 1:config.N

% create unique id
requestId = r+100000+i;

% compute the end time of the request
%endDateTime = datestr(*(i-1),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');
endDateTime = datestr(*(i-1),'yyyymmdd 16:00:00');

% make the request for data
session.eClientSocket.reqHistoricalData(  ...
    requestId         ,...
    contract          ,...
    endDateTime       ,...
    config.duration   ,...
    config.barsize    ,...
    config.whatToShow ,...
    config.useRTH     ,...
    1                 ,...
    []                 ...



% wait around for the data pause(10);

% init hde hde = cell(1,buf.size);

% Retreive the historical data event from the buffer for i = 1:buf.size; hde{i} = buf.get(); buf.remove(); end

% Convert the HashSet into more native cell array of bars bars = {}; for i = 1:numel(hde); bars = [bars; collection2cell(hde{i}.data)]; end %#ok

% Extract close and high low ave info from each bar` close = cellfun(@(b)b.close ,bars);
vol = cellfun(@(b)b.volume,bars);
high = cellfun(@(b)b.high ,bars);
low = cellfun(@(b)b.low ,bars);
open = cellfun(@(b) ,bars); wap = cellfun(@(b)b.wap ,bars); count = cellfun(@(b)b.count ,bars); hla = cellfun(@(b)(b.high+b.low)/2,bars);

% Convert the string time of the bars to matlab datenum dt = datenum(cellfun(@(b)char(b.dtstr),bars,'UniformOutput',false),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');

% The bars might not be in order once extracted from the HashSet [~,indx] = sort(dt);

% sort time stamps and get unique dt = dt(indx); [~,uix] = unique(dt);

% sort and assign s.dt = dt (uix); close = close(indx); s.close = close(uix); hla = hla (indx); s.hla = hla (uix); high = high (indx); s.high = high (uix);
low = low (indx); s.low = low (uix);
open = open (indx); = open (uix); vol = vol (indx); s.volume = vol (uix); wap = wap (indx); s.wap = wap (uix); count = count(indx); s.count = count(uix);

% sort the bars bars = bars(indx); bars = bars(uix);

% clean up listener handle cellfun(@(l)delete(l),lh);

On Jul 8, 2017, at 5:10 PM, ivs17 <> wrote:


thx Abel for this tool and redirecting

my Q here,

I tested the instructions to get contract details on this page: As shown on that page the contract details do get printed on the command line. Now - My problem is that I can not get my hands specific variables.

But this is not an issue but maybe rather my limited knowledge on classes in java.

For example I wrote a script to download 1 min data and combine them. Since IB also offers historical data for already expired futures contracts it would be handy to limit the dates for a historical data request to the last trading date.

For now I found a work around with a 5x1 "moving" boleans which break the request-for loop. 5 x no data in a row --> move to next contract.

Since some requests result in an error anyway I have three more script to

identify missing data try a second download for them 3 weld the data with previously downloaded data Will post them as well Attached: m-File with Code ( better formatting than here) Here is the code I use. Pls don't pick on me on variable names xD %================================================

%% Building an 1 min database for an underlying % credit to Abel Braun - publisher of IB4m

% add TWS.jar cd('E:\MatlabFunktionen\softwarespartan-IB4m-aff30d8'); javaaddpath(fullfile(pwd,'Jar','TWS.jar'));

%% initialize session with TWS session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

%% connect to TWS session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0); pause(0.5);

%% Create datevector for downloads

% no Quote booster var 365d 1y % See " Download Limitation in IB API reference for details var=365; dtFutures=busdays(round(now()-var),round(now())); dtFutures=datestr(dtFutures,'yyyymmdd');

% IB seems to use usertime instead of exchange time % 23:00:00 is the closing time for Central Europe % dtFutures=[dtFutures,repmat(' 23:00:00',numel(dtFutures(:,1)),1)];

% create CME codes in this case for crude oil mainunderlying="CL"; mc={'F','G','H','J','K','M','N','Q','U','V','X','Z'}; %CME Month Codes m={'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12'}; % Months

%this one is tricky since and depends on the amount of % quote boosters / comissions % and the underlying ( for Crude Oil currently (08.07.2017) CLZ"2025" startD=2016; endD=2025;

delta=(endD-startD); Esymbols=cell(delta,1);

for i= 0:delta-1 for y=1:12 Esymbols{y+i*12}=[num2str(startD+i),m{y}]; end end clear startD endD delta i y %% % delete undownloadadable futures (expired 1y ago and earlier) % depends on your quote boosters / comissions

oneyago=round(now())-365+30; oneyagoS=datenum(Esymbols,'yyyymm'); helper=oneyagoS(oneyagoS>oneyago,1); helper=datestr(helper,'yyyymm'); Esymbols=cellstr(helper);

clear helper oneyago onyagoS

%% Mainloop for omikron=1:numel(Esymbols)

% direcotry where IB4M was added % might be unessacary cd('E:\MatlabFunktionen\softwarespartan-IB4m-aff30d8');

%my standard name for structs savezone=struct(); disp([num2str(omikron),' / ', num2str(numel(Esymbols)),... ' ',Esymbols{omikron},' ' datestr(now(),'HH:MM:SS')]);

%% create an contract and initialize it for crude oil for contractwrapper=1

contract = com.ib.client.Contract(); contract.m_symbol = mainunderlying ; % String oder Char? contract.m_secType = 'FUT' ; contract.m_exchange = 'NYMEX'; contract.m_currency = 'USD' ; contract.m_expiry=Esymbols{omikron}; contract.m_includeExpired =true;

% pacing info

% Duration Allowed Bar Sizes % 60 S 1 secs - 1 mins % 120 S 1 secs - 2 mins % 1800 S (30 mins) 1 secs - 30 mins % 3600 S (1 hr) 5 secs - 1 hr % 14400 S (4hr) 10 secs - 3 hrs % 28800 S (8 hrs) 30 secs - 8 hrs % 1 D 1 min - 1 day % 2 D 2 mins - 1 day % 1 W 3 mins - 1 week % 1 M 30 mins - 1 month % 1 Y 1 day - 1 month

% posobility to ask for more datatyps, see table below % simplification: only trades datatypeS={"TRADES",... "MIDPONT",... "BID",... "ASK",... "BID_ASK",... "HISTORICAL_VOLATILITY",... "OPTION_IMPLIED_VOLATILITY"};


% MIDPOINT BID_ASK % Product TRADES | BID ASK | HV IV % Stocks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Commodities N Y Y Y Y N N % Options Y Y Y Y Y N N % Futures Y Y Y Y Y N N % FOPs Y Y Y Y Y N N % ETFs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Warrants Y Y Y Y Y N N % Structured Y Y Y Y Y N N % SSFs Y Y Y Y Y N N % Forex N Y Y Y Y N N % Metals Y Y Y Y Y N N % Indices Y N N N N Y Y % Bonds Y Y Y Y Y N N % Funds N Y Y Y Y N N % CFDs* N Y Y Y Y N N end %contractwrapper % Get contract Details %

% % Create Buffer for contract Details % [buf2,lh2] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.CONTRACTDETAILS); % % % request contract details % session.eClientSocket.reqContractDetails(0,contract); % pause(1); % % % % copy contract details % cdtls= buf2.get().data; % pause(0.5); % WTF NOW ? -.-'

% error count - exit if 5x false erc=true(5,1);

for vega=1 %wrapper or var for different data types for i=1:numel(dtFutures(:,1))

% error count - exit if 5x false if sum(erc)==0 break end

try %% create local buffer for historical data events [buf,lh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.HISTORICALDATA); pause(1) %% Request data disp([Esymbols{omikron},' ',dtFutures(i,1:end)]); % contract % time for last candle % how much data (see pacing info above) % granularity ( see pacing info above= % datatype TRADES BID ASK ect.. % 0 include date out of RTH | 1 only RTH % don't know % don't know

    '1 D',...
    '1 min',...

%% Retreive the historical data event from the buffer

% depending on your connection to IB servers and machine % I set the pause for 3 seconds to reduce errors pause(3); try hde = buf.get(); catch % try a second time and disp the error to command line disp('Buffer error'); pause(3) hde = buf.get(); end %% Convert the HashSet into more native cell array of bars

bars = collection2cell(;

%% Extract close and volume info from each bar

open= cellfun(@(b),bars); high = cellfun(@(b)b.high,bars); low = cellfun(@(b)b.low,bars); close = cellfun(@(b)b.close,bars); volume = cellfun(@(b)b.volume,bars);

%% Convert the string time of the bars to matlab datenum dt = datenum(cellfun(@(b)char(b.dtstr),bars,'UniformOutput',false),'yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS');

% The bars might not be in order once extracted from the HashSet [~,indx] = sort(dt);

% Concatenate exisisting and new data for contwrapper=1

if i==1 %wirst request

else % next requests

    % check if prices struct exists
    % in case first request resultet in an error
    fn= fieldnames(savezone);

    if pcheck== true % Data DOES exist


    else % Data does NOT exist


% moving Error counter % copy results frin last 4 attempts % and write a true if succeeded.....or erc(1:4,1)=erc(2:5,1); erc(5,1)=true; end % contwrapper catch

  % and write a false if failed
  disp('error trying to download day'); 

end clear buf lh hde bars open high low close volume ans

end % for i daycount end % vega

%% Saving downloaded data

for savewrapper=1 % cd to folder with data % change if you want cd('E:\Markets\prices\Futures'); a=exist(char(mainunderlying),'dir');

% Check if subfolder for Underlying exists

if a~=7 mkdir(char(mainunderlying)); end % Switch to directory of underlying and save try cd(char(mainunderlying)); % Underlying | Contractmonth and Year | free... save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); catch disp("folder Error"); pause(2); % second attempt mkdir(char(mainunderlying)); cd(char(mainunderlying)); save([char(mainunderlying),Esymbols{omikron},'.Prices.minute.mat'],'savezone'); end end %savewrapper disp('error trying to download day');

end % omikron clear

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ghost commented 7 years ago

fieldnames and methods that was it.

... hahaha. Never thought it would be as "simple" as that! Thank you ! 🥇

I attached the code to extract the expirey date for a gold future contract

charting example. Daily candles and volume combined with price volume profile from minute bars. 2017-07-14 14_27_22-figure 1

NewbieAlex commented 6 years ago

Hey Abel, Thanks for the great work here! It was mentioned in an earlier comment that "create a listener that consolidates the 5 second market bar data and then publishes a new bar to all the listeners". I suppose you meant streaming real-time bars with the API, but I couldn't find related script in the post. Would you elaborate on how to stream real-time 5-second bars with IB4m? Thank you!


softwarespartan commented 6 years ago

Hi Alex

See IB docs here: <>

Example below. Note that the example callback is “@(s,e)disp(” but of course you can put anything you want there.

Also, if you have multiple realtime bar request active you need to check the reqId field for the event data for figure out which event belongs with which request. See the TWS.initMarketDataBufferWithReqId for an example of how you might do this.

If you want to run hundreds of realtime bar request then you should have a look at how it is done in TWS.MarketData.EventHandler. Essentially, you would just need to swap out the marketData api call in the subscribe method with realtime bar api call and everything else will “just work"

Do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything additional.

Cheers -abel

% define a contract contract = com.ib.client.Contract(); contract.m_symbol = 'SPY' ; contract.m_exchange = 'ARCA';
contract.m_primaryExch = 'ARCA'; contract.m_secType = 'STK' ; contract.m_currency = 'USD' ;

% get TWS session instance session = TWS.Session.getInstance();

% connect to TWS session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0);

% create a callback to print error messages to the command window % or put the events in a buffer, or update some trading statistic etc lhrtb = event.listener( ... TWS.Events.getInstance ,... TWS.Events.REALTIMEBAR ,... @(s,e)disp( ... );

% connect to TWS session.eClientSocket.eConnect('',7496,0);

% some unique request id rid = 0;

% request realtime bars session.eClientSocket.reqRealTimeBars(rid,contract,5,'TRADES',0,[])

% cancel reqest with %session.eClientSocket.cancelRealTimeBars(rid)

% dont forget to clean up event listeners %delete(lhrtb);

On Dec 6, 2017, at 4:48 PM, NewbieAlex wrote:

Hey Abel, Thanks for the great work here! It was mentioned in an earlier comment that "create a listener that consolidates the 5 second market bar data and then publishes a new bar to all the listeners". I suppose you meant streaming real-time bars with the API, but I couldn't find related script in the post. Would you elaborate on how to stream real-time 5-second bars with IB4m? Thank you!


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NewbieAlex commented 6 years ago

Thank you Abel! That's a very elegant example. I also wanted to export the data to disk, so added a buffer for the listener. Posting here in case someone wants to save the data as well:

[databuf, datalh] = TWS.initBufferForEvent(TWS.Events.REALTIMEBAR,100); datacell = collection2cell(databuf); i = 1; e = datacell{i}; data =;