sofwerx / cdb2-concept

CDB modernization
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Lights and Attributes #1

Open cnreediii opened 4 years ago

cnreediii commented 4 years ago

Greg Peele

On a more concrete level, I may have found a CDB feature type relevant to OWT that surprisingly doesn't map to NAS, GA065 (Air Warning Light) defines a light on top of vertical obstacles for warning aircraft. I could not find any compatible definition in NAS so far on any variation of search terms.

the strange piece is that there is a NAS type, GB012 (Aeronautical Ground Light) that is defined to explicitly exclude vertical obstacle lights. so somebody thought of that case. and the CDB type itself has a FACC lineage.

this is the kind of work that will need to be done to map CDB 1.0 to GGDM/NAS.

Ryan Franz

CDB does have a set of light point types to represent obstruction lights on vertical objects, there are general obstruction lights and specific ones corresponding to the set of light types from the FAA (circular 150/5345-43F). This gets back into the need to tie the attributed vector to the visual representation. If a system sees that feature code, it would be nice to know if that feature/light was modeled into a building/tower/windmill/etc or not.

In this vein, did anyone have discussions about attribution for light points (attributes or visual properties)? One thing that has been discussed for a future CDB version, but not implemented, was better defining the intensity/power(lumens)/peak candela within the light point table.

Greg Peele

In the attribution group we focused mainly on the vector and mesh attribution, but it's a very good point that other layers could have attribution (or better attribution) and those should be cross-walked to the feature dictionary and vocabulary too.

I know the NAS does have some attribution regarding aeronautics and lighting, but I'm not enough of a domain expert on that to understand how rigorous it is.