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CDB modernization
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3D model - Preserving and deprecating some concepts #19

Open PresagisHermann opened 3 years ago

PresagisHermann commented 3 years ago

As part of the 3D model analysis activity to encode 3D models in glTF, we face the need to decide how many CDB 1.X concepts needs to be supported in CDB X and if we can deprecate some (and obviously add some). As we define the CDB extension to glTF, we find some concept/constructs that do not exists in glTF and we need to decide if we can do without them in CDB X or need to add them to the extension. Where there are a few concepts to discuss, an important one we want to bring forward first is the ability for a geometry to reference another geometry. In OpenFlight, those are called xRef which has no equivalent in glTF. Do we need those? Let me try to list the cases where xRef are beneficial to CDB.

Use case 1: Split geometry in chunks an allow loader to decide to load or not. Most OpenFlight loaders will load a complete binary to memory. Large models with many LODs in the OpenFlight would need to be completely loaded before selecting the LOD. In CDB 1.X This is not a problem for GS models but can be on GT models and is on Moving Models. The xRef is used on GT Model geometry today to create the root model that has all the LOD nodes. Under each LOD node, an xRef is used to allow the loader to load a simple root model and decided which LOD to fetch after. This usecase is already covered in glTF as each "node" in glTF is a bin file. A loader decided which bin chunks to load. So, no xRef support is required in glTF for usecase 1.

Use case 2: Instancing geometry from geometry - for simulation CDB supports two way to have a geometry call another geometry. The first is with attach point (like a weapon under a wing) where the loader need to "Decide" what model (weapon in this example) to attach based on simulation information. xRef are not used here by CDB as xRef are static and point to a specific model - not leaving simulation the choice. A simple node with "Attach point" information is sufficient. This is an easy thing to do in glTF. So, no xRef support is required in glTF for usecase 2.

Use case 3: Instancing geometry from geometry - for efficiency - The real question..... A general use case for xRef is instancing (multiple copy of) object components. Not to confuse with instancing of objects from vector (trees for example have many point in the vector, all calling the same model) but here the cases is where model reference a "sub-model" of a component. A typical case of this is to add "generic and typical objects on building" such as satellite dish, AC units, repeating balcony objects etc.... Having those objects referenced and positioned by the main object geometry is valuable an logical in my view.

As such, I would recommend that we include xRef concept in our glTF CDB extensions even if it serves less purpose in CDB X. That said, if the extensions exists to support user case 3, it may be used in use case 1 as well.

So, the 3D group is looking for feedback on this first concept - candidate for deprecation - the xRef. I say we keep it.

ccbrianf commented 3 years ago

As described, I don't think this is a large enough need to merit CDB taking the effort to define it's own glTF extension for this purpose. I suggest simply pushing this observation upstream to glTF (maybe via Patrick's team?) and waiting for that standards body to decide if it deems internal instancing something that the format should support. If the other use cases were also of concern, my opinion might differ. But at present, this seems like a minor compression/efficiency loss (that I think a web streaming format might be interested in resolving in the future). If you have spare cycles, go for it. But otherwise, I think there are probably more valuable places to invest that effort.

cnreediii commented 3 years ago

@ccbrianf - The same could be said for the largish number of extensions to glTF that may be required in order to, at least at some level, replicate the capabilities provided by OpenFlight. A number of existing glTF extensions have already been identified but at this time I am not sure if a detailed functional equivalency analysis has been done. I suspect that at some point a number of additional experiments and additional research may be required. I agree that any new extensions that are identified as part of the CDB-X work should documented as a change request and submitted to KHRONOS for consideration. The CDB SWG should not have to develop any such extensions.

An additional consideration is how glTF plays with other 3D formats (storage, transmission, or both). There are other OGC standards that specify the use of X3D (Web3D Consortium) and the recently submitted CityJSON specifies the use of X3D. So, I did a bit of research and found that there are a number of articles that speak to using both glTF and X3D in a broader 3D framework. For example, there is a good blog that details similarities and differences and speaks as to how to use both in an integrated framework. Perhaps there should be a paragraph somewhere providing some of this information and a link to the Web3D site. FYI, X3D is an ISO/IEC standard.

Currently, this effort is focused on glTF but there is a broader ecosystem out there so at some point (again) some additional research and analysis may be required to provide the CDB-X implementation community the best guidance for their use cases.