sogaiu / ajrepl

A mode for interacting with a Janet REPL
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There is no equivalent of Emacs' `eval-defun` #2

Open sogaiu opened 1 month ago

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

It was pointed out on Zulip that there is no command to send a top-level expression.

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

Some points of consideration include:

If tree-sitter functionality is used, the cost involved to account for the above points may be reasonable.

A non-tree-sitter-based implementation that tries to handle the items above seems like it would be (much?) more costly. One idea is to provide something simpler.

Another consideration is how to handle detection of tree-sitter capabilities and behave appropriately.

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

Here is an initial attempt (note: this is on a separate branch).

A new command named ajrepl-send-top-level-expression is provided. It is bound to C-M-x (what eval-defun's keybinding is locally). It's also exposed via the Ajrepl menu.

The following method was used to provide an alternate implementation in case tree-sitter functionality is not available:

(when (not (require 'ajrepl-ts nil 'noerror))
  (defun ajrepl-send-top-level-expression ()
    "Send top-level expression containing point."
      (let ((beg nil)
            (end nil))
        (setq beg (point))
        (setq end (point))
        (ajrepl-send-region beg end)))))

Some rearrangement of code was done to get the above to work out.

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

The mechanism of checking the return value of require:

(when (not (require 'ajrepl-ts nil 'noerror))

does not seem appropriate. Apparently it only works when the file being required does not exist.

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

An alternative approach is to attempt to produce a functional enough non-tree-sitter-based implementation and just use that.

sogaiu commented 1 month ago

janet-mode (ALSchwalm's version) and janet-ts-mode may not have the same setup with respect to syntax tables:

This might lead to differences in behavior between the modes with respect to results returned from functions like syntax-ppss and friends.

It may be that relying on such machinery is not a good approach.