sogis / gretl

Contains custom gradle tasks to use in gradle builds. The custom tasks extend gradle for use as a sql-centric (geo)data etl. gretl = gradle etl
MIT License
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Usage of dynamic parameters #139

Closed Saela closed 1 month ago

Saela commented 10 months ago

This also still needs to be specified.

GRETL already uses dynamic parameters in certain places. But it still could be improved with e.g. environment specific configuration files. This can also be combined with the current implementation that is using project properties.

edigonzales commented 1 month ago

Da weiss ich gerade nicht, um was es geht?

edigonzales commented 1 month ago

@edigonzales Besser verstehen, was mich genau stört. Es geht um die Übergabe von Parameter vom Test-Code zum build.gradle des Testcases via Gradle-Property. Falls mich nichts mehr gross stört, sein lassen.

edigonzales commented 1 month ago

Schmerzt mich momentan nicht so sehr. Es ist anscheinend so transparent und stabil, dass auch externe Entwickler nicht darüberstolpern.