This toolkit was designed for the fast and efficient development of modern machine comprehension models, including both published models and original prototypes.
./sogou_mrc/dataset/ F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
"answer_start": answer_token_starts[0] if len(answer_token_starts) > 0 is not None else None,
./sogou_mrc/dataset/ F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
"answer_end": answer_token_ends[0] if len(answer_token_ends) > 0 is not None else None,
./sogou_mrc/dataset/ F821 undefined name 'sys'
sys.stderr.write("Turn id should match index {}: {}\n".format(i + 1, qa))
./sogou_mrc/dataset/ F821 undefined name 'sys'
sys.stderr.write("Question turn id does match answer: {} {}\n".format(qa, answer))
./sogou_mrc/dataset/ F821 undefined name 'sys'
sys.stderr.write("Gold file has duplicate stories: {}".format(source))
./sogou_mrc/libraries/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
elif isinstance(text, unicode):
./sogou_mrc/libraries/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
elif isinstance(text, unicode):
./sogou_mrc/libraries/ F821 undefined name 'output'
return output
2 F632 use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals
6 F821 undefined name 'sys'
flake8 testing of on Python 3.7.1
$ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics