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Open PerksofbeingVaibhav opened 1 year ago

PerksofbeingVaibhav commented 1 year ago

problem link :


We are given an array nums and we need to return the maximum sum of a subarray in nums.


We can employ similar logic in iterative version as well. Here, we again use dp array and use bottom-up approach. Here dp[1][i] denotes maximum subarray sum ending at i (including nums[i]) and dp[0][i] denotes maximum subarray sum upto i (may or may not include nums[i]).

At each index, we update dp[1][i] as max between either only choosing current element - nums[i] or extending from previous subarray and choosing current element as well - dp[1][i-1] + nums[i] Similarly, dp[0][1] can be updated as max between maximum sum subarray found till last index - dp[0][i-1] or max subarray sum found ending at current index dp[1][i].




soham4abc commented 1 year ago

Hey, @PerksofbeingVaibhav can you add a describing what your code does? Thank you!!