soheilhy / cmux

Connection multiplexer for GoLang: serve different services on the same port!
Apache License 2.0
2.53k stars 197 forks source link

Adopt go modules #81

Closed rmfitzpatrick closed 3 years ago

rmfitzpatrick commented 3 years ago

In an attempt to satisfy these changes adopt go modules and move the example content to a new* module.

ptabor commented 3 years ago

Please merge this change.

It's significant problem for etcd that, fact that we depend of cmux is adding wide set of additional undesired dependencies, in particular:, that transitively brings unwanted version of grpc or protos.

ptabor commented 3 years ago

@soheilhy Could you, please, comment on perspectives to have it merged (or in different way isolate transitive dependencies coming from the example) ?

soheilhy commented 3 years ago

Happy to merge this. @rmfitzpatrick can you please rebase and resolve the conflict?

rmfitzpatrick commented 3 years ago

@soheilhy, updated, thanks for your patience and review.

soheilhy commented 3 years ago
