sohrabemam / modernhomes

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Hangman game #1

Open sohrabemam opened 3 years ago

sohrabemam commented 3 years ago

Project work

sohrabemam commented 3 years ago

Project work

Group 4

College Project

Python Program to illustrate

Hangman Game

import random from collections import Counter

someWords = '''apple banana mango strawberry orange grape pineapple apricot lemon coconut watermelon cherry papaya berry peach lychee muskmelon Date Pomegranate'''

someWords = someWords.split(' ')

randomly choose a secret word from our "someWords" LIST.

word = random.choice(someWords)

if name == 'main': print('Guess the word! HINT: word is a name of a fruit')

for i in word:
    # For printing the empty spaces for letters of the word
    print('_', end=' ')

playing = True
# list for storing the letters guessed by the player
letterGuessed = ''
chances = len(word) + 2
correct = 0
flag = 0
    while (chances != 0) and flag == 0:  # flag is updated when the word is correctly guessed
        chances -= 1

            guess = str(input('Enter a letter to guess: '))
            print('Enter only a letter!')

        # Validation of the guess
        if not guess.isalpha():
            print('Enter only a LETTER')
        elif len(guess) > 1:
            print('Enter only a SINGLE letter')
        elif guess in letterGuessed:
            print('You have already guessed that letter')

        # If letter is guessed correctly
        if guess in word:
            k = word.count(guess)  # k stores the number of times the guessed letter occurs in the word
            for _ in range(k):
                letterGuessed += guess  # The guess letter is added as many times as it occurs

        # Print the word
        for char in word:
            if char in letterGuessed and (Counter(letterGuessed) != Counter(word)):
                print(char, end=' ')
                correct += 1
            # If user has guessed all the letters
            elif (Counter(letterGuessed) == Counter(word)):  # Once the correct word is guessed fully,
                # the game ends, even if chances remain
                print("The word is: ", end=' ')
                flag = 1
                print('Congratulations, You won!')
                break  # To break out of the for loop
                break  # To break out of the while loop
                print('_', end=' ')

            # If user has used all of his chances
    if chances <= 0 and (Counter(letterGuessed) != Counter(word)):
        print('You lost! Try again..')
        print('The word was {}'.format(word))

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('Bye! Try again.')