Original issue 273 created by soi-toolkit on 2012-06-01T12:06:33.000Z:
Dependency was added in # 183 for handling encrypted passwords in property files (with jasypt), but is only required for Java 5 or older.
Mule 3.2 requires Java 6.
See: http://www.jasypt.org/dependencies.html
Note: will remove ~3MB from the zip-deploy package.
Original issue 273 created by soi-toolkit on 2012-06-01T12:06:33.000Z:
Dependency was added in # 183 for handling encrypted passwords in property files (with jasypt), but is only required for Java 5 or older. Mule 3.2 requires Java 6. See: http://www.jasypt.org/dependencies.html
Note: will remove ~3MB from the zip-deploy package.