soilwise-he / Soilwise-userstory-epics

The Soilwise project aims to develop an open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils. This repo is a placeholder to steer the functional requirements of the system.
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UC5/US5 Find soil data by specific metrics for market research #15

Open pvgenuchten opened 7 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 7 months ago

As a data scientist at a provider of Business Intelligence (BI) to empower decision-makers,

I want to have continuous access to processed data (= information) via well-designed APIs

so that I can easily integrate provided information (from various sources) into workflows to generate and offer actionable knowledge to my customers.

Extended user story

I am a data scientist, who works in the Data Intermediary Business Unit at D2K, which focuses on provision of information determined from raw data according to client's specifications via customized APIs and data mapping services across Europe. In the role of senior data scientist, my educational level is higher education, owning a master’s degree in computer science. My main target group are small and medium sized enterprises, who provide knowledge and BI solutions to agriculture, forestry, mobility and supply chain sectors. I don’t have any soil science background. I do have a strong data science background. My digital expertise encompasses Salesforce, Tableau, Oracle & MS-BI, AWS, Azure, Java, Phyton, ML, LLM, etc. I usually use portals Zenodo/Google/websites to find information or data. Once I have identified appropriate data providers, I contact the sourcing entity manually and finalize contracts before setting up tools to automatically fetch real data needed to extract information (utilizing data-cooker) according to client's specifications. This will then allow me to reduce my workload, and I will not have to collect and validate the data sources manually, which helps me because it is faster, more efficient, and validated.

Acceptance criteria

Meta data on data is provided by SoilWise containing data source(s) fulfilling:


Data2Knowledge Market Research (D2K) is a leading provider of Business Intelligence (BI) to empower decision-makers with a robust BI solution that enhances their ability to make informed and strategic decisions in the rapidly evolving business landscape. With several departments at D2K, the Data Intermediary Business Unit plays a key role in transforming raw data into actionable information. We achieve this by identifying correlations between external factors and the actual data, extracting a wide range of information that is easily accessible to our B2B (customer facing) clients. This enables our clients to leverage the information available and generate knowledge for informed decision making. D2K is a typical B2BC (Business to Business to Consumer) player. The underlaying business models are for instance API as a Service, and unit of transferred data through D2K Gateway.

How it works: D2K generally develops tailored Application Programming Interfaces (API) between appropriate raw data sourced decentrally from a range of data providers and the D2K gateway. D2K data-cooker processes all the raw data and ensures that it is harmonized and interoperable according to the specifications of our B2B clients who can then access the processed data = information. The raw data can either be stored decentrally at data providers and fetched per need to D2K's data-cooker or downloaded (one time) and stored for continuous usage. In each case, an interoperability/mapping service is performed that manages provision of information determined from raw data according to client's specifications. Based on the EU declaration on Data Spaces, D2K has identified Environmental, Mobility, and Industrial (Supply Chain) Data Spaces to focus on. Furthermore, D2K plans to establish an inter/intra operable data gateway to various Data Spaces and B2B consisting of customized APIs and automated mapping services.

D2K employees a team of experienced data scientists and software engineers to serve our client needs. The workflow is the following:

  1. Identify client’s needs (data, information, format, frequency, tbd.)
  2. Identify data sources matching client's needs (usually a manual process)
  3. Contact data provider(s) and place business contracts (usually a manual process)
  4. Access/fetch and harmonize source data (make it interoperable if necessary)
  5. Process the data to extract information
  6. Create customized APIs
  7. Make information continuously available to client

How SoilWise can be of support?

In general, items 2 and 3 on the above list are time-consuming. The team would rather spend its time on technical implementation than on administrative work. SoilWise could reduce the amount of work and therefore time spent identifying data providers that are up to date and actionable, as well as compliant to policies and procedures.