soilwise-he / Soilwise-userstory-epics

The Soilwise project aims to develop an open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils. This repo is a placeholder to steer the functional requirements of the system.
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UC3/US1 Maintain and Share common soil thesauri #5

Open pvgenuchten opened 7 months ago

pvgenuchten commented 7 months ago

As a data holder, collecting soil profile data from agricultural land

I want Soilwise/EUSO to indicate common code lists and thesauri for soil properties and procedures to use

so I can describe my field observations and laboratory measurements using terms linked to common terms and compare the data with other datasets.

Extended user story description

ESDAC/EUSO is the relevant authority to adopt/define common code lists in the EU. The system should offer functionality to share these code lists, but also offer capabilities to request and discuss changes to these code lists.

Where available, the system links terms to existing definitions in the global or topic thesauri, such as agrovoc, glosis, gemet, dbpedia and the inspire registry.

In some cases I need to extend a thesaurus to match local use. Can EUSO provide good practices on how to extend a thesaurus? Are good practices available on how to link to these thesauri from iso19115 or Datacite (zenodo) metadata to improve discoverability?


A number of code list repositories are generally used in soil science:

Special mention to the WRB working group of IUSS. WRB publishes every 4 years an updated version of the World Reference Base (as pdf). Recent editions of WRB include an updated subset of the code lists of guidelines for soil description (FAO, 2006). WRB does not publish these terms in an online service itself, aspects of these lists are maintained by Agrovoc and Glosis web ontology.

For Soil Biology use of the gbif repository is relevant. The repository links to a number of thesauri for different types of species, mostly originating from literature.

Acceptance Criteria

Must have

Nice to have:

pvgenuchten commented 6 months ago

Discussion at 27-2-24 indicated there are a number of sub stories here:

pvgenuchten commented 6 months ago

In the EJPSoil project, the topic of code list (extension) has been researched quite extensively. conclusion is that multiple communities adopted selected procedures for codelist governance, which are not always compatible and used to their potential.

EJPSoil to date has not endorsed a single approach, which results in the undesirable option to extend the INSPIRE codelists to local need. An optimal way to extend (or create) a code list locally will add links from terms to similar terms in remote code lists).

pvgenuchten commented 6 months ago

webinar 1-3-2024 Benchmarks; the issue came up that the isqaper project created a list of soil management practices, which will be extended in the scope of benchmarks. However these lists are not maintained in a referencable way (which is a challenge for the benchmarks data team). Also the relation to agrovoc is unclear. Agrovoc tillage practices may be too generic for the purpose of soil-amelioration